Problem with migration of map segments to MBPM v9
Hello, I have a problem with migration process. On the version 7 I used map segments that are called by other processes which share it. After I migrated my solution to version 9 the map segments converted to sub processes. In the solution there are screens that are sharing between processes and sub processes. In this…
Integration of Atlassian Jira with Documentum
Hi All, We have a current requirement where we need to integrate Atlassian Jira with Documentum. Please let us know if Documentum supports integration with Atlassian Jira. Thanks and Regards, Amit Gaikwad
Objects and Links - How to filter them in a meaningful way?
Greetings, Wondering if there is a smart way to have the Objects and Links filtered out. Even where there is the option of adding a Filter, like in the Deliverable section, appears that the selection criteria is "manual". May be holding the "Ctrl" key and clicking on the Objects that belong to the filter? Any help will be…
MBPM released
MBPM has been released on OpenText Knowledge Exchange (https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/cs.dll/Open/31182975). This release contains the following fixes: Administrative Tools: Web Service Connection details cannot be edited using the Administrative Tools. (Issue # ITSM 1651877, TFS 23393) BPM Designer:…
Metatorm 9.2.1 Designer columns in the grid properties
Anyone know because when I click to open the columns in the grid properties Designer.exe crashes. It's something in my environment because if it works on other computers. OS Windows 7 Designer 9.2.1
hide default button from the form
Hi, I would like to hide the default OK and CANCEL buttons in the metastorm form ( i have 9.2.1 ) In read the manual and i saw: 31.6 showSubmit and showCancel Functions The following client-side script functions are provided for showing and hiding the Submit and Cancel buttons on a form: procedure showSubmit(Visible :…
Lotus Notes integration with metastorm 9.X
Hi, How I can have integration between Lotus notes and Metastorm for managing the workflow wherein user can act on the workflow from lotus notes itself? Do we have any such client t integrate with Metastorm? Can someone help on the same?