Pass eeventid to variable?
Does ProcessContext.FolderActionCount - 1 correspond to the current eeventid? I'd like to fire off an email and would like to pass the eeventid into the function I'm calling. thx
Error with web service created with Process Activator
I need help getting the web service to communicate with Metastorm login: 1 - Published a simple Map Process, logged on to the Metastorm web client as user: webservice, password: process to the Devengine service (also worked with the DevDCOM service). 2 - Used Process Activator to create the web service for the Blank Form…
Print and save dialog not showing up on reports
We're having a problem where the print and save dialogs don't pop up on reports. The buttons show up at the top of the report but when the user clicks on the button the report quickly flashes "loading.." at the bottom but the windows dialogs never pop up. Has anyone seen this before? We're using Metastorm 9 SR 3. Update:…
9.2 Parameters and Business Objects
When referencing a parameter twice within a query I recieve the error message below:- Error: Details:Failed to execute deployed method 'DataValue', using entity 'Grid1'. Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: '@Param' Key being added: '@Param' parameter declaration: Query: Error: (please ignore parameter variable…
ProVision and APQC process classification framework
Hi I was just watching the M3 webcast and saw some ProVision models that had the APQC famework in it. Does anyone know if this is available as a download from the community? I have been meaning to import them but if someone already has it would save a bunch of time. Wayne
Improving performance with OpenText MBPM 9.x
The attached presentation provides some great tips on how to improve the performance of your OpenText MBPM 9.x solutions, covering areas such as form design, solution design, optimising the environment, etc. If you have further tips to add to this document, please do share them with us.
AD Integration: Directory Tree user property
Hi folks, I'm working on an integration layer between Metastorm 9.2 and Active Directory and for the most part I'm happy with the solution I've created. One thing is puzzling me though... what goes in the eDirectoryTree column of the eUser table? I am populating the eDistinguishedName column with the LDAP path to the user…