Metastorm BPM 9.1.3 Hotfix 1 (
Product: Open Text Metastorm BPM Release: 9****.****1 SR3 Hotfix: 9.1.3****.****1 Affected Components: ****Metastorm Web Client, Metastorm Process Designer, Metastorm Deployment Service, Metastorm Process Engine Purpose of the hotfix: This hotfix addresses the following issues: * Tab order of forms with panels in the Web…
Business Object Variables Tab
If you happen to click on the Variables tab of a BO while you are disconnected from a Connection you loose the variable listing. It can be resolved by closing the solution and re-opening but it is a bit frustrating. Even more frustrating is that it also happens to Library BOs which should be read only. Not sure how many of…
Metastorm Process Engine Service
Hi All, I installed Metastorm BPM V9 and update to SR3 without any issue. I can start up the Metastorm Process Engine Service using local Administrator account. Then right after I changed to Domain Service Account to start up the Metastorm Process Engine Service, I log in Web Client and I try to open form in my To-Do list,…
User Option to Select all rows in a datagrid
Hi , I have datagrid with paging enabled having multiple rows . my requirement is to select all the rows inside the data grid with an option provided '"Select ALL" which should select all rows inside datagrid. Can any help me how this can be achieved . Regards Srini
Dimensions and (1)'s
Hello, I'm seeking input regarding a strange behavior in ProVision (Or KE). This is more or a less an extension to the previous post: /awd/forums/questions/3408312 The Scenario: A main shared notebook contains a Dimension Type of "Department", created about a month ago with 5 Dimensions. The Organization object…