How to create new repository in KE?
Please let me know the procedure to create new repository on KE server? Thanks.
How to create new repository in KE?
Please let me know the procedure to create new repository in KE server. Thanks.
More on Cloud and Open Source ECM
By Chuck Ramano Hello BPM/ECM/Document Imaging Enthusiasts, I received some feedback on my last post asking if capture/scanning software should be cloud based. Most notably a twitter conversation started between myself (@mooncatrepair) and Tjarda Peelen (@TPeelen), consultant at VLC and Ephesoft partner. Check out Tjarda's…
Is it time for a SharePoint App store?
Derek Weeks has published an article on CMSWire that asks a legitimate question: Is it time for a SharePoint App store? This question has been making the rounds for a while. In fact, about six months ago I spoke with Dan McPherson about his project that directly answered that question. Read Derek's article and let him know…
Help for publishing models
Hi, I am exploring options for publishing ProVision models. My initial preference was to use compiled help files but as these can't be accessed over a network, this isn't a viable option. I am now investigating publishing to SharePoint. I have a number of questions and wondered if there is any guidance on publishing (other…
Fall 2011 Survey: SharePoint and BPM
Every six months we run a survey about how people are using SharePoint. Some surprising results have been revealed. For instance, in the survey running now through October 1st, we see that BPM/workflow is the #1 third-party app being considered for running on top of the SharePoint platform. In the last survey from Winter…
Forrester Business Process Conference: How Dynamic Case Management Helps Businesses Hit High Velocit
Forrester Business Process Conference: How Dynamic Case Management Helps Businesses Hit High Velocity Improvements By Deb Miller @DebsG360 I just returned from this year’s Forrester Business Process Conference (#BPF11) in Boston and once again gained some great industry insights. I was especially taken by the keynote from…
ProVision BPM connector
I’m looking for information on ProVision BPM connector. Is it a standard feature of ProVision or is it a separate product (I’m currently using Metastorm ProVision 6.3 SR1). Is there any documentation or a tutorial available? Regards, Rafał Foltyniewicz