Re: Object Sharing
Hello, Can you provide some details with what you are able to do at the moment? What version of Knowledge Exchange and ProVision are you using? You can read the basics about Sharing if you login to Webvision -> Click 'Help' -> Expand 'KE Administrator Help' -> expand 'Notebook-level Administration' -> Expand 'Sharing' and…
Re: Canceling a checkout in Provision / KE
Hello, What versions of KE and ProVision are you using (including build numbers)? For instance, PV would be v6.3.1:111109 and KE would be v6.3.1 build 436. I had seen behaviour similar to this in earlier versions of PV/KE (v6.2.x, v6.1.x) and this appears to be resolved by the changes we have made in how the locking…
Re: V9 For each loop - access element problem
Dropping the [0] would return the whole data record instead of separate fields/lines. (I've found that hand to print contents for debug purposes.) The is one item regarding foreach data objects I have found -- and believe its a major short-coming -- is that it doesn't appear you can use if visual script logic with the…
Re: V9 For each loop - access element problem
It is also possible that if you drop the "[0]" it may work, but I would not be certain.
Re: V9 For each loop - access element problem
I have not tried this with a standard SQL statement, only with a Business Object. For the SQL approach, it is not well documented, but you get a return of Metastorm.Runtime.Contracts.IDataContainer, which is not referencable as an array in the way you describe ([]'s). I would recommend using a Business Object. The design…
Custom Lists cannot take paramaters
It seems that any paramatersPozycjonowanie stronset for Business Objects for custom lists, even if given a default value, will cause the Business Object to fail when the user enters any filter. Coupled with the inability to set a default order for custom lists, this makes them of very limited value.
V9 For each loop - access element problem
Does anybody have issues with using Firefoxthe For each Loop in V9. I am using it with a SELECT statement to retreive all FolderIDs and want to perform actions using each folderID. But when I access using the syntax given in Designer help and the designer manual, I get errors and expression builder doesn't like the format.…
Re: .net framework problem
And in the respective engine(s) folder(s) too....
Canceling a checkout in Provision / KE
My modelers aer having an issue with provision / KE, and we are able to re-create it at will... A notebook gets checked out, and then the check out gets canceled. On subsequent attempts to check out, the models show as locked by the users who checked them out and then canceled the check out. I typically havepersonal loans…
Object Sharing
Afternoon all, Our company has personal loans onlinejust starting using ProVision in the last few months and one of the things we are struggling with is how to effectively share objects. I'm sure we're not the first to encounter this issue, so I was just wondering how other it was done eslewhere.