Re: .net framework problem
The deployment service has a separate CustomLib folder so check that you have all of the required assemblies in this folder as well as the CustomLib folder for your Designer. Hope this helps.
.net framework problem
Hi all, First post! (Not sure if this is really a Metastorm problem, but I have the following problem) I wrote a C# server script, using some standard .net stuff. It validates nice in the designer on my client machine, but I can't deploy it to the server. I get deploy errors on .Net features that are not in framework 1.1…
Re: v9 Export grid to Excel
Look at this sample solution: http://processmapping.com.au/freestuff/freemetastormbpm9solutions/BusinessObjectReporting.html
v9 Export grid to Excel
hi i know that telerik grid control have possibility to export data to excel or even word, we can use client side or server side functions which names gridObject.ExportToExcel(path); is it possible to fire this actions in Metastorm?
Attachment problem after Repository Migration
I migrated the repository from V7.6 to V9.1.1. But when I try to open a folder with an attachment I get an error: 'Could not read attachment'. When I compare the eAttachment tables the eSize of the V7.6 table is twice as large (see attachment - I hope it works here ;-) ) This is a huge issue - so how can I solve this?…
Call custom library from server-side script
Hi, I'm trying to call a custom library from a server-script in version 9.1.1. I added the dll to the following locations: \BPM\Deployment\CustomLib \BPM\Designer\CustomLib \BPM\Engine\CustomLib And just in case, but not sure if it's necessary I also added the library to: \BPM\Engine\dotnetbin \BPM\Engine\dotnetlib What…
Re: Turn Off Snap to Grid in V9 Designer
You can hold down ALT while mousing to ignore the grid.
Turn Off Snap to Grid in V9 Designer
Is there a way of turning off Snap to Grid in the V9 Designer? It turns out that Snap to Grid can't be turned off for mouse movement but you can use the cursor keys to move fields and this ignores the grid.