Blank Forms list extremely slow to load on a side-by-side environment (9.1 SR1 and 7.6 SR3)
Hello, I just setup an side-by side environment (9.1 SR1 and 7.6 SR3) and everything is working ok. The to-do and watching lists load pretty fast, but I'm having a lot of delay in the blank forms list. It takes about 1 minute and sometimes more and I get the timeout error. The Administration Forms list takes about 20…
Microsfot SQL connection FAILS only post deployment - Works in designer???
My (MS) SQL connection is acting strange, I can validate connections but it says the username accessing the DB within the Metastorm site it fails… how does that even make sense? Basically: In terms of connections everything checks out, but when it does a query it fails. How is this even possible? It is the same user…
2011 User Summit Banners
The 2011 User Summit is well over, but I see its banners in some places, such as the Welcome and Community Suggestion screens (don't recall if others).
- - ...upgrade has KILLED the ENGINE...!
We were running version 9.0.2 and recently did an upgrade on our server to During installation we followed ann instructions; turning off all services before installation and following instructions to the letter. Curently our Service Engine is down and can't get up. Meanwhile the Deployment service is running…
Administration Form and message "Folder not locked for action"
Hi, I've been searching vastly for this message and obviously found a number of post which did not provide me with a solution or to be a similar problem. I have an Administration Form that shows the folders of a certain process on a Folder Grid and there is a drop down field that holds the name of the columns displayed in…