Removing Single Sign on
Good Morning, I recently was attempting to use Sinngle sign on for a certification process. We got it "working" but determined that it would not work for our situation. I am now trying to uninstall it. It appears that even though I uninstalled SSO, the server is still trying to use SSO. Any idea who to uninstall SSO? Rupe
Tutorial/Start Guide Metasotrm Designer 7
Hi, Does anyone know of any good Tutorial/Start Guide for Metasotrm Designer 7? After some googling i couldn't find much. Thanks, Rui Miranda
Performing DMS actions without using multiclip control?
I need to devise another way of utilizing DMS functionality without using the multiclip control. Basically, I need to be able add, check-out, check-in, etc. using Sharepoint as the DMS, but without using the multiclip control, say like having some buttons which would perform the same functions as the multiclip provides. I…
Missing response node
Hi , We are using Metastorm Java Process Orchestrator 7.6. We are receiving this error in the event viewer (OS). Has anyone seen this error before? We only get the error when we submit the form using the ECL. Thanks
Convert notebook from 6.3 to 6.2
Hello everybody, can I covert a notebook which I created in PV 6.3 back to the 6.2 version without creating everything again in 6.2. I created a notebook in 6.3 and sent it to a collegues , he only has 6.2 and cant update right now. he gets now the error message cant open notebook cause 6.3 format. How can I solve that…
V9.1 BPM Designer and Actions Going walkabouts..
Hi Migrating a few processes over to V9 and I'm finding that in the BPM Designer my actions are swapping places with each other after I have saved it. Originally thought it was me going mad but after numbering each action, saving, closing and re-opening I find they are all jumbled up and not in the original sequence on the…
Grid Coloured
Hi, I am working on metastrom 9.1 version.I need to highlight the cells inside the grid with different colours based up on the value. Is there any property available to do that? Thanks, Sath
Hiding Metastorm native submit and cancel buttons on select forms
I am using 3 chained forms to initiate the business process. I have placed buttons on the first 2 chained forms to allow the user to navigate between the two forms. On the third one, I have am using the native Metastorm submit and cancel buttons for the user to submit his/her request. Is there a way to hide the Metastorm…
SSO Log on Issue
I am currently trying to log on using the SSO functionality. Before I can logon, I am asked to provide my domain credentials for the box that the Metastorm app server is on. Is there a way to skip the domain login?
Need information about Editable Grid(Metastorm BPM 9.1 Version)
Hi, I am currently using Metastorm BPM 9.1 version , I would like to know about the options for the following: How to make a Grid editable that is bound to Query type Business Object. Thanks, Sath