v7.6.3.5: deleting content after // in calculated text fields
Hi, in v7.6.3.0 - the whole content in a calculated text field will deleted if the content has 2 slashes. Sample: 1. place a calculated text field on the form 2. write calculation formula: http://www.metastorm.com 3. save and close the procedure and designer 4. re-open the procedure 5. curent calculation formula:…
Wildcard with SelectSQL
I would like to use a wildcard in my SelectSQL statement within metastorm. Unfortunately I need to use the % sign and I think that metastorm 7.6 is confusing this as some kind of function start or variable start. Is there a way i can escape this?
Verifying Email Addresses
Hi, In BPM 7.6, Is there a way to verify email addresses, entered in a form, before the process is submitted? Thanks.
zoom Problem
Hello, I got a Bridge link between two workflows to jump to each other. so far so good, vereything works. The text for the bridge link is given automaticly which is okay. But when I zoom in the model. The text of the bridge all the time changes and is moving into other objectes and the lines changes as well. Is that a bug?…
How to modify the Web Application Name (KEServer) [Tomcat]
Hi all, I post this trick if you need to modify the Web Application Name (the default is KEServer) from "KEServer" to "MyKEServer" (so the url become http://servername/MyKEServer/webvision instead of http://servername/KEServer/webvision), do the following steps: - Rename the \KEServer\ directory name under \Tomcat…
MIM 8.5.1 and Oracle 11g R2 RAC
Does MIM support connecting to Oracle 11g R2 Real Application Cluster? It looks like it's building the jdbc conection on the fly. Oracle needs a format like the one below to work correctly. jdbc:oracle:thin:@//hcdbtest-scan:1521/testsid Any suggestions?
Wildcard Audit Filters
In the 8.1.8.x version of MIM we were able to wildcard the filters/display to narrow the list of transfers. Is there any way to do this in 8.5.1?
Get In on Metastorm BPM Version 9
In case you haven't heard about it, we are running a program to help customers thinking of transitioning to v9. So, if you haven't already begun your implementation, now is the time to do so. We have some great stuff coming up soon. Don't be left behind. You can learn more at www.metastorm.com/v9.