upload Content using xCP rest
Hi Folks, I'm trying to upload content to repository using xCP rest. Anyone have worked on this before? please share some inputs. xCP rest dev guide has no much information and nil examples on how to call the upload functionality using rest. TIA
How to use OAuth 2.0 authentication handler in OTDS ?
How to use OAuth 2.0 authentication handler in OTDS ?
Custom Widget is not appearing in widgets list in xCP Designer
I have a widget which I have developed for using in xCP Designer and to be dropped onto the interface pages. It is a bare bones one because I just want it get it worker before I tackle anything more complex. The following is the JavaScript Ext.define("stg.widgets.demographics", { extend: 'Ext.Component', alias:…
xCP 2.1 Custom JavaScript Function to Print iFrame Contents
Hello everybody, In xCP 2.1 P05, we have created an application page which has iFrames [Using a value display, HTML type]. We need to provide an option to the user to print the contents of the iFrame only. For this we can use below core statement: document.getElementById(frameID).contentWindow.print(); We have tried to…