Custom Button in Forms Builder
Hi All, I am searching ways to develop a custom button(Not invoke button.). Is there a guide or example for custom buttin in forms builder? Thanks
Inconsisent Handling of Apmersand
While working with an admin form we have created we noticed that the ampersand is sometimes not rendering correctly and is not storing correctly on a DB update. If we enter something like "Cats & Dogs" it stores in the DB as "Cats & Dogs" (HTML tag for &). To counter this I am taking my SQL string and executing a replace…
Internal members in server scripts
I have multiple server scripts in one of my libraries. In one script there is a class that has an internal method. I call this method from another script. It was working okay last week. Today, I added a new role to my library. It validated fine, and I was able to deploy the library. However, the project I'm using the…
Mobile Parameter Passing
On a "web client" URL, it is possible to pass in parameters for values on the form on the URL line. e.g.: http:///eForm.asps?...&FilterParams=;; ... such as ... &FilterParams=Target_User;JP123456;Text This sets the field/variable Target_User with the value JP123456. (Variable name is as an example.) Is there similar…