Installing MBPM communicating across domains
We are currently installing MBPM in an environment where MBPM will be sitting in ONE domain and the forms will be executing from a completely separate domain using the ECL. We need to know how to setup the designer and ECL NOT to use Windows authentication. We currently have the setup using TCP/IP configuration. I know…
Add Flag Action From Another Solution
I'm trying to add a Flag Action in a process. The thing is that this Flag is raised from an action in a different solution, and as well, this Flag is defined in that solution. When I had the Flag Action to my process, on the properties pane, "Flag used to invoke this action" it is a dropdown that only shows the flag…
Sending Email Without Mail Server
Can you use a gmail account to test if metastorm is sending emails? I have changed SMTP settings (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Metastorm/e0work/Engine/SMTP) in my registry to the gmail SMTP settings. Are there any other settings I need to change or is this not doable?
FYI - V9.3.1 appears to be available
Since it seems we aren't notified here when new releases are available any longer, it seem that MBPM 9.3.1 was released on the 24th along with an associated Mobile platform. Alas, reading the mobile installation instructions, it seems "Blackberry support is dropped from OpenText BPM Mobile Client 9.3.1." :robotfrustrated:.…
Renaming a variable
Hoping someone here has done something of this sort before, and can provide some sanity check or advice Usecase: I need to rename 2 variables in a procedure. They have values, and are currently used on timers (and have corresponding eWait entries). Problem: Metastorm doesn’t let you “rename”. If you rename a variable in…
Recurring Timed Events
Are timed events recurring? I want to set a timed event to repeat until a condition is met for a stage. Is it possible to do that in Metastorm?
Repository Migration with Sub Processes
I have a migrator map file to migrate data from V7 to V9. (A) Since "true" sub-processes are implemented in V9 now (such that sub-process data is stored in its own table), is there a way to map the data which should be placed into this sub-process table while using the migrate assistant tool? The variables are no longer in…