Troubles with legacy DLLs in 9.1
We use a lot of 3rd party DLLs and since upgrade to 9.1 we face this issue: By my observations, Metastorm 9.0 runs with .NET 2.0 framework, but 9.1 use .NET 4.0. There are some DLLs compiled for AnyCPU platform and some for x86 platform. If I use these DLLs in Visual Studio Library project and switch target framework to…
Hi All when i am trying to load rendition i am getting below error and rendition is not getting loaded. THREAD: main; MSG: [DM_SYSOBJECT_E_RENDITION_FMT_SAMEAS]error: "Rendition format text must be different than the original format text for EHS-02-033-00 sysobject unless the page modifier is specified."; ERRORCODE: 100;…
Customise sharepoint webparts
Does anyone know how to customise the Metastorm web-parts? We have previously modified the Default skin to hide columns from the To Do List but we want to do the same with the web-part. Any help appreciated. Thanks
List of Value Pairs in Scripted Business Object
I have scripted business object with the following interfaces: IDataSetAccess, IPagedAccess, IIndexedAccess, ISupportRefill This scripted business object calls a web service and creates a table with two columns. I would like to use the values in those columns as a list of Value-Pairs that I can use in some dropdown fields…
Refer DTD while importing XML in repository using IDfImportOperation
How to give reference to DTD while importing XML in repository using IDfImportOperation ?