Understanding Deployment Errors
I've figured out the majority of the designers quirks when it comes to error messages. One of the biggest is how regardless of what the Messages window tells you it's generally just the last error that is causing the problem. Once I receive an error I move my mouse over to the red X circle on the bottom right and hover. If…
How do I reference a server script in a library that I've added to my project.
I've created a library with some server script methods, and I've deployed the library and referenced it from another project in another solution. I can't seem to figure out how to access the script methods in that library. Any help would be much appreciated.
Disable read notifications for inactive users
Hello, In webtop 6.7 I would like to disable read notifications sent to inactive users. If a user chose to receive read notifications for a document, and the user was desactivated, the requirement is to not send this person read notifications. Where can I modify this behavior? Thanks
Browser Tab not closing
Part of our process includes an email to the folder originator asking for further clarification. Up to now we've just had the email cc the requestor and then the answering is done only through email. We'd like to keep the dialog info in the Action Notes instead so now the email outbound includes a link to a response form…
Object reference error when using the HttpContext object
I have a test server script below…. public static void test() { int iCount = HttpContext.Current.Session.Count; } On the form load event, it called that script and got the error below. Failed to execute deployed method 'FormLoaded', using entity 'frmServer'. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Does…
Workflow timeout during execution of server side script
Hello! I have a problem when running a server side script that takes longer than 60 seconds in version 9.1.0. Metastorm engine lets the function run to an end, in my case roughly 6 minutes, but because Metastorm times out (probably the MicrosoftWorkflowTimeout=60 in the registry) then the folder is rolled back to it's…
Extremely dangerous behavior - "when user loads form" executes multiple times
I have a simple form, with an insert statement "when user loads form". * Every time this form loads on a stage, the insert statement is executed multiple times - sometimes 2 , sometimes 3 (at random) * Every time this form loads on an action, the insert statement executes only once. Basically ANYTHING in the "when user…
Need help: Kerberos authentication for DFS application.
Hi, I have a DFC application exposed as Web Service using the “@DfsPojoService” annotation. For authentication it is currently utilizing a custom authentication plug in which take user’s login name and a fixed text as one of the arguments aside from the login name for the ‘IDfLoginInfo’ object, like this:…