D2 Uploader is really slow, how to improve it
Hi, I have D2 4.1 installed and am currently experience extremely slow uploading service. It takes about 2 mins to upload a 10 kb document. Every other actions in the system works pretty well except for the uploading. I'm wondering if there is any particular configuration that I can set up to improve the performance? I…
Help with Scripted Business Objects
Hello Everyone, I'm just trying to get started on Scripted Business Objects. The last couple of days I have been reading the Designer Manual and going through the Samples of scripted Bo's provided with the installation. After all of this I'm starting to put together my script. It displays data corectly on my grid, but no…
How to restrict repository access to a client
Hi All, I need some information about restricting repository access to a client application. Suppose I use DA and Webtop to access particular repository. I want to restrict access of repository to the DA. How can I prevent DA or any other application from accessing repository? Thanks & Regards, Anuradha
Spell Checker, Spell Checking
Hi everyone, has anyone implemented a spell checker in Metastorm BPM processes, something that spell checks text boxes aswell as memo fields? (so not using the V9 capability on memo fields). We have used a Google Web Service but it suddenly stopped working due to a change they had made, and therefore we are looking into…
Writing DQL script for multi object ids using "UPDATE dm_job OBJECTS SET is_inactive = true WHERE r_
I have mult object ids and I want to insert the object ids into this DQL update dm_job objects set is_inactive=true where r_object='<targer r_object_id>' I do have muti ids please how do I write DQL in script form to update all the ids using the DQL Thanks
ECL.WS authentication error
Good morning, we have a question regarding the configuration of the ECL.WS. What we are trying to do is basically set up a ECL Web Service so that we are able to either invoke a BPM action by using a custom C# application or a plain ECL method call inside a process server script. The problem is that the call made by the…
hide a process in Web Client
hi all, we have some process used from web client (by end users), and others used by ECL.ws from java (or other languages) web applications, that needs to interact with BPM. These web applications are used from the end users. The "end users" are the same in both cases, so, if a user login into web client, he could see in…
Invalid Web Service call, missing value for parameter : folderId
Hi Has anyone seen this error (in v9) when clicking a button or submitting a form? This happens on different forms which don't have any client side code and no web service calls. I believe this is a Telerik issue. There has to be an AJAX call to a web service behind the scenes that is causing this issue. Any ideas? thanks