ECL.WS help - postAttachment
Is there anything I'm missing here, or is there something special that needs to be done to get postAttachment to work using ECL.WS //THIS WORKS //ListResult list = eclWS.GetList(eclServiceSession, ListContentsType.Blank, new ListFilter(), "", "", 1, 100); //Console.Write(list.Data); //THIS DOESN’T WORK – WHY? FileStream…
Empty record in drop down control
We have a lot of stored procedures that we created for sql server reporting services drop downs and this code usually returns a predefined code / label of blank / or null / along with the results. It seems that mbpm creates an empty record when populating their dropdown. Can we remove this? Or can we change the label so…
Execute Stored Procedure with parameter = ' ' ( space not blank)
Good morning, i try to Execute Stored Procedure in my OnButtonPressed Script for assign ( toDoList) any efolder to my (processContext.Username) Connection : MetastormDefault Procedure name : "METASTORMBPM.MBPM_ADMIN.ESP_INSERT_ALERT" Parameters: "@p_;userName=" + ProcessContext.UserName + ", @p_;folderID=" + Local.FolderID…
9.1.3/9.2 Install Issues
9.1.3 Installer issues Some servers are seeing “No Engines Available” after upgrading a working server to 9.1.3/9.2 regardless of what connection method is being using (http://someserver/BPMEngine.net/ecl.rem or tcp://someserver:4001/ECL. both fail to login) It is important to note that not all “No Engines” errors on 9.1.3…
Help Required on WDK Preconditions
Hello Experts, I am new to WDK. I managed to create a custom menu item with the help of WDK Tutorial. Now I trying to make a menu Item visible only when the selected document is checked out. I am trying to do this preconditions. However, I am getting Error below error from the prevalidation class when logging into webtop.…
Display percent instead of decimal in grid
The BO is returning .1234. But, I would like to display it in a grid as 12.34 at the very least (don't need % showing). Is this doable?
Attachments audit
Is there any way to audit the attachment control ? Basically I need to audit things on attachment adds/deletes - who did the add/delete and when. Cant see anything "out of box" that allows this. Tried to do a custom solution using a custom table, and some code that compares eAttachment and deduces what got deleted/added.…
Common stage actions taking precedent over user stage actions
I thought that user actions from a common stage would always show AFTER the stage actions but that doesn't seem to be the case. I can't make the priority on the action larger than the number of actions coming from the common stage but I really don't want the "Cancel" to be the first action available to the user. Am I…