Hello, New to the development world, and I'm stuck on making a rest call to create a workspace and pass in the required attribute values so it's named correctly. If I remove the category from the temp…
I have recently begun to work with Connected Workspaces in CS 16.2.11. After properly enabling them (and restarting all the servers) I can now successfully construct instances of the various custom wo…
Hi we have a perspective with Layout(Flow). In this perspective is 6 widgets 3 on top row and 3 on bottom row. The business wanted to now have 5 widgets and for one of the widgets the height to be the…
Hi I just finished a demo for a large US Gouvernement agency. The widget draws an event chart using D3 based on data from Connected Workspaces with several custom REST services. Now I need to use a Ba…
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how I can significantly filter the results returned by a nodes/{id}/nodes REST GET request so that I can get just the ID and NAME of each child. When I try to do it with t…
Hi, I have requirement to create a Connected Workspace and add it as a shortcut in workflow attachments. Can you anyone please guide me how can I do that. A code snippet will be appreciated. Regards, …
Hi there, I recently tried to create business workspaces with this rest api call: POST api/v2/businessworkspaces/ The documentation specifies the body as a JSON string as this example: { "template_id"…
Hi I know you can create Connected Workspace (Business Workspace) usign Extended ECM web services You can also create Connected Workspace by using some REST API calls (not sure if oficial already) But…
We are exploring options for an upgrade from LL 9.7.1 installations to CS 16.x. One option we want to learn about are connected workspaces. What do they have to offer and how can they be implemented? …