Analytics applications that use Magellan BI & Reporting (OpenText iHub, iServer, or Eclipse BIRT runtime)
Sussessfully .........
OpenText Magellan BI & Reporting iHub – Performance degradation with CPU and memory usage increasing
Good day to you everyone. In OpenText Magellan BI & Reporting(iHub), after couple of days depending on the usage, the process starts using an increasing amount of RAM and CPU until it uses all the available CPU and causes severe performance degradation on the usage of iHub and the Online report generation. A restart of…
Convert string with date text to date format in BIRT table
<p>I have a Date which I retrieve as a string "Dec 20 2007" from my front end app and insert into a BIRT table.</p> <p> </p> <p>Since the data type for this field is set as "Type: String" when I convert it to Date the table breaks and no data is visible in the Table. </p> <p> </p> <p>My ultimate goal is to sort the table…
The requested resource [/birt-viewer-osgi/frameset] is not available
I am new to birt reporting tool. I am trying to setup birt rum time on RockyLinux 8.8 BIRT Viewer Version: 4.9.0 BIRT Engine Version: 4.9.0 Java Version 11.0.19 welcome page displays fine but when I click on the view example link it shows an error like frameset is not available. I have checked the required permissions on…
BIRT, training/basics to get started?
New to BIRT report writing: stumbling through on my own. Wondering what kind of basics trainings (even just YouTube or LinkedIn learning, etc) or cheatsheets you all use. So far the trainings I have found all assume I've got understanding of writing in programming language but I don't. I am a very quick study, just need to…
BIRT / eclipse
HI All, I have been trying to install BIRT from Eclipse website but not of the versions I install work on my MacBook OS Montery, most of the error says download not supported or invalid file but I managed to download a version " eclipse-reporting-photon-R-macosx-cocoa-x86_64" that downloads but when I come to open the…
BIRT JDBC ResultSet Error using Stored Proc with MariaDB
Hi. We're trying to create a BIRT report Data Set in Eclipse, with a result set from a stored proc, using a MariaDB database and Java/JDBC driver. Using the following query syntax: {call sp_fetch_data(?,?)} This worked with an earlier MariaDB client version (1.5.9), but with newer versions (I've tried 2.0.3 and 2.7.1), it…
Using Magellan BI and Reporting platform with a Fast Object Storage product
I am looking for any documentation for any and all products that might support an external 3rd party Fast Object Storage as the primary storage. This would be an all flash system and looking for architecture diagrams, requirements needed for the object storage (features and speed requirements, networking requirements,…
BIRT Windows 10 / IE 11
<p>Hello,</p> <p>I am new to the BIRT world. I need to use BIRT to create custom reports for SuccessFactors Learning (Previously Plateau Learning Management System). My question is about installing BIRT and issues with response time.</p> <p> </p> <p>1. Can BIRT run in a Windows 10 / IE 11 environment. If yes, what version…
Action on click and double click?
When adding interactivity to a chart Birt allows you to define actions for a mouse click and a double click. I have setup different hyperlinks for the 'click' and 'double click'. However when I view the report only the 'click' hyperlink' works. The 'double click' isn't recognised it just goes to the 'click' hyperlink. Any…
Make Hyperlink dinamically using window.location.origin
Hello, I'm using Analytics Designer to make reports into D2 application. My organization has several environments as DEV, TEST, QA… my question is below. I have a table with a Data item that is linked to hyperlink URI as → "http://mydevD2/D2?…" I'm trying to change the literal “mydevD2” dinamically using a script onCreate…
Script engine error: ReferenceError:
hi, i have create report using BIRT in birt report viewer the report is working (please birt.png in attachment) but after i upload to Web Appclication (Rational Team COncert) is not working. (please rtc.png in attachment) i think the issue is the measure not found or i missing something else? Error evaluating Javascript…
Birt scripting in Dashboard
Is it possible to do scripting in Birt Dahboard, i can see Scripting option in Datasets, but for the dahbaord itself, i dont see any option where i can write by scripts, basically, iam using a report paramter in my Dahboard, and my laoding icon is not showing until the query gets executed, it just appers and disappers, i…
Dynamic Grid space to reach footer
Hi all, I am trying to utilise a dynamic grid space to reach the footer height. The reason is that I need to have borders at the left and right side, as part of the grid space setting. And the master layout border won't be applicable in this case. Is there any javascript etc for this? Thanks.
Full page table height
Hi Everyone, I want to set a table height to the take the full height of the page, regardless of the number of rows. My layout is as follow: Body > List > [grid,table,grid,grid,grid] I tried setting the height of the list and the table to 100% but it didnt work. any hints? Thanks in advance, Adil
Stacked Bar Series - How to reorder the legend
<p>I have a stacked bar chart with five series (A, B, C, D, E).</p> <p>The chart is drawn as I like to have it: A is at the bottom and E is stacked at the top.<br> But in the Legend A is at the top and E is listed as last.</p> <p>How can I change the legend order without changing the stack order?</p>
Change the legend order
<p>Hi I create a bar chart</p> <p> </p> <p>
How to change the legend order
Hi, my Eclipse BIRT Designer version is 4.9.0 and I have a problem with the legend order in the bar chart. The legend order looks good to me for my series A, B, and C. However, when I stack the bars(check the option"Stacked" in "Series" in the "Format Chart" wizard), the legend order is reversed. Is there a way to reverse…
I am trying to run the following code. public static void main(String[] args) { IReportEngine engine = null; IReportRunnable design = null; IRunTask task = null; IReportDocument iReportDocument = null; IDataExtractionTask iDataExtract = null; ArrayList resultSetList = null; IResultSetItem resultItem = null; String dispName…
Use custom fonts in BIRT pdf report
Hi, We want to use a google font, Poppins, in our report. In the designer the font is shown, but when the report is deployed and generated in PDF, the fonts Times-Roman is used. BIRT is deployed in a WildFly server. Thanks