Web Experience Management
Questions/discussions around all the parts of the VCM Content Suite.
Find all pages of a site
I need to find all the urls/pages of a site in WEM. Is there any way we can find it via query? Like how we can find all the channel pages or detail pages url of a particular site. Any example query? Or if we can find pages of a particular CTD? Any help would be much appreciated!
Configuring format for DSM Site in WEM 10.5
I am trying to configure a format at site level to our site (we use DSM). We upgraded to WEM 10.5. Should we still configure the format in config console as below even in WEM 10.5? or is there any direct approach. Please let me know. Thank you In the left pane, navigate to Content > Delivery Services > Content Management…
DSM - This Region encountered a rendering error
Hi, I successfully set up DSM including the VgnSampleSite. While trying to create my own site which partially uses cloned Templates, Layouts and Regions from the SampleSite, I always get the error message 'This Region encountered a rendering error' when trying to preview the site. After clicking ''Refresh Region' the…
Configuring Tomcat for DSM
Good morning. I've configured Tomcat as in the manual specified, but I'm having some problems. When I try to acces to vgnTest.jsp I get this error message in the log. 27-Feb-2015 11:00:34.265 SEVERE [http-nio-8081-exec-5] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] in context…
Help on Locale Value on URL
Hi All, Our site is running on both English & Arabic (en_US & ar_QA), is there any possiblities to change the locale value to en for en_US and ar for ar_QA ? Thanks Jayaram
Error while trying to configure Dynamic Site module
Hi, I was trying to configure Dynamic Sites on my freshly installed WEM system. I set up a Tomcat webserver on another host (, including the folders working, working/cache and working/logs. When using the configuration tool of the WEM console, I entered the paths for said directories like this:…
RE Help - Error 500 (MOValidationError)
Hi Jayaram, Looks like this is an issue with the FURL link being crated for “bootstrap.min.css”. As we know all the links will be treated as FURL link will get evaluated as per the URL Scheme configured for the site. Looks like “'themes' is being created in place of language in FURL link. Please check and configure FURL…
Help - Error 500 (MOValidationError)
Hi, For Every Page hit, we are getting below errors in catalina.out log. After long analysis found that this is because of "bootstrap.min.css". Anyone using bootstrap.min.css and how to avoid this error. Kindly please help on this. Thanks Jayaram [2016-08-08 11:35:46,802][ERROR][ java.lang.Class][http-bio-9090-exec-10] -…
Structural Changes in CTD
Hi , We are currently migrating from WEM 8.1 to WEM 10.5 We found that 2 of our CTD are using timestamp widget which is not working in WEM 10.5. Opentext provided same type of widget in 10.5 so we now wants to switch to that. However new widget uses database column as date however Timestamp uses varchar2. That mean - we…
Error while configuring timestamp widget in WEM 10.5
Hi , We have timestamp widget working on WEM8.1. Now we are migrating to WEM 10.5 .. so we did follwing to migrate widget a> Imported widget b> deployed extn via configp Note : - did not changed any thing in the *-widget-maps.xml file. However I am getting this error in runtime.log- -- 2016-07-20 11:14:37,209 | DEBUG |…
How to include target name in email body while emailing target owner in CBP?
Hi, in the Collaborative Business Process on rejection we need to send an email to the target owner with the target name in the body, I'm using the in-built application for that, but how to add the target name / title in the body and subject - please check the image below, what is Jython Expression for that? Is there any…
How to use Bootstrap css in custom templates?
Hi, I need help to use Bootstrap css in my templates, how to do that, thanks in advance.
Need Widget to select Publishing Validation Policy
VERSION: 8.5 (Sent On behalf of client ) In the past we used to have three stages - Mgmt, Review and Live. When we click on Publish button (Not the advanced publish) it always opened a Dialog which allowed us to select the Stage and change the Publishing validation policy as needed. Default publishing validation policy was…
Duplicate a WEM env on another server
Hi, we have an old WEM env which we want to be a duplicate of the current env we have. We have patched the old WEM env to match the current env, but we now need to transfer the database and static files across. We are thinking of just taking a dump of the current database and then loading it into the old env, and also…
Error While Overriding Presentation of Widget
Hi, VCM version of 8.1 SP1+Cumulative and use only appconsole. We have requirement to overide the presentation of text area cce widget and tried to get widget object in override jsp using code WCMTextAreaWidget wcmTextAreaWidget = (WCMTextAreaWidget) WidgetUtils.getWidgetFromRequest(request).…
WEM 10.5 install.
Hey Everyone, Just thought it would be good to share some good basic OOTB installation and components for WEM 10.5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8ws8X2sIW8&list=PLUYXGVAoIMsnMno80xJc6F3MhSNhGfmyy Enjoy!.
How to have validation rule to ensure one DATE value is greater than another DATE value in a CTD?
Hi, Hope you can share your experience on such validation. We have two date fields in a CTD: "Start Date" and "End Date" and want to add validation rule to ensure that "End Date" is always later than "Start Date". We give some thoughts on javascript validation and see the main issue is how to know the fields names/ids.…
Fuera de la oficina Having difficulty to match DATETIME with OTAG REST API queries
Estoy fuera de la oficina, para temas urgentes contactad con mi departamento. Rocio Grela CastroMurex y AplicacionesPg. Pocomaco, Parcela F-1. A CORUÑA - 15190981187161 abanca.com 902 12 13 14 Antes de imprimir este e-mail piense bien si es necesario hacerlo. El medio ambiente es cosa de todos. Advertencia legal: Este…
Having difficulty to match DATETIME with OTAG REST API queries
Hi, Hope your experience can shed some light on this. We noticed an unexpected behavior of OTAG REST API queries in relation to datetime. We use WEM v16 running on Linux with an Oracle DB. We defined a "Start Date" field in a CTD (using DATE datatype in Oracle DB and created with "Date and Time Selector Enhanced" widget)…
SQL query on Content table
In our WEM, we have a content instances of a particular CTD, associated to site channels, and some which are not associated to any channel. I would like to find by SQL query on the Content table, Content items which are associated to a particular channel or any channel. Is there a way to do it by SQL query?