The Documentum Developer Community is the learning and networking resource for application developers building content management, case management, and business process management applications on Documentum platforms. This include developer topics for: D2, Webtop and xCP (Documentum xCelerated Composition Platform)
How to implement Digital signature in documentum 20.2
Please guide to implement digital signature on the documents in documentum version 20.
Documentum D2 Action and Event
Dear All, My requirement is to reload the Documentum D2 4.6 external widget URL on event D2_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTED. I have : 1. configured EXT_WIDGET_TEST with bidirectional check box checked. 2. Mentioned widget URL http://localhost:8080/myWidget?Id=$value("r_object_id") My widget is loaded in the workspace. However when I…
Webtop Question
Which xml file do you edit to point webtop to a Particular docbase if CS is hared between many Docbases.
google third-party cookie restrictions or disable the third party cookies webtop/DA will work or not
Google circulated the third party cookies are deprecated/disable. If deprecated/disable third party cookies Webtop or DA application will work properly or did we face any issue. thanks in advance…… Thanks, Rajkumar.
Permissions of moved, copied and linked documents.
We implememted 6.5 webtop. We are using folder security. In our EMC training class, we were told that a doc that is moved retains its original permission set from its source folder. Is this accurate? If so it would keep us from using a technique of working on a doc in an internal-only folder, then when complete, moving it…
Documentum Archive server with OpenText VIM
Hi Team, We are using Documentation archive server for storing scanned invoices processed by OpenText vendor invoice management, Recently we have upgrade VIM 7.5 SP2 to SP6 and Documentum archive server 7.0 to 7.2 then after user's are unable to view the scanned invoice in VIM index inline screen. When user click on VIM…
Docker DA - Automating the encryption of dfc.globalregistry.password
I'm using the Documentum Administrator (DA) image with Docker Compose and am following the setup instructions. It states that the details should be passed in as an environment variable within the YML file. This includes the dfc.globalregistry.password (which is unencrypted). However the password needs to be…
D2 - Export Query Forms Result into PDF
Hi All, I need to export query forms result into PDF along with printed by user and date on PDF. Please suggest how we can implement this in D2 Thanks
IAPI command - change format
How can I change the format of the primary rendition through IAPI? Chatgpt tells me to destroy the primary rendition but as far as I know, this is not permitted.
DFC 22.2
I need to migrate CS from 16.4 version to 22.2 version, but I have problem to install DFC 22.2 on my PC (Windows 11) . I uninstalled DFC 16.4, installed Java 11, performed the setup of DFC 22.2, but it suddenly stops without giving any errors. What could be the problem?
CTS configuration based on context/cabinet/etc.
Good morning everyone, some time ago CTS was configured here to generate JPEG 2000 in the case of graphic objects uploaded and managed by D2, but now this operation is redundant for a certain application area and also generates further unnecessary consumption of disk space. So I'm wondering if there is a way to configure…
Webtop Component & Action calling by URL shows resultlist & nothing else of UI
HI, I have requirement to call the component or action by URL to show the result to the user, which URL is getting from other application as we have passed the objectId to the other application. But after customizing search component, i can get the result but it shows only work area with the result but not able to show the…
2-8701 Documentum D2 Configuration Certification details
Hello, Would like to know D2 certification mock tests and other information related to 2-8701 Documentum D2 Configuration certification. Please suggest.
After hostname changed, encountered some error
Hi all, I recently performed a hostname change for the windows server as well as documentum servers. However, I am getting this error from the repo logs. Also, I used OTDS to authenticate the users, but when I go to login to D2 it throws an error saying "[DM_SESSION_E_AUTH_FAIL]error: Authentication failed for user…
Error while trying to download/export the files by using the DFC code
Hi, While trying to download/export the files by using the DFC code getting following error. 2024-03-20 19:01:17 ERROR PDFMergingMethods:2063 - -Exception while exporting the Object ID 09030fa4802fff37 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Premature end of file. at…
What is the best way to handle service context management in DFS?
Hi, What is the best way to handle service context management in DFS?
How to create a sample document using Documentum REST API
How to create a sample document using Documentum REST API
Increase Smart View search results limit
Where can I configure the Smart View search results limit?. Actually it only display 350 results.
When logging in to a D2 application, how do I set focus on a specific widget?
I have a D2 application with a workspace xml file that creates the layout. When a user logs in, the focus goes to the last widget in the xml file. I would like the focus to go to a different widget (viewer), when a user logs in. How can I configure D2 classic to do that? Please refer to the attached workspace xml. On…
Allow case-insensitive installation of SQL Server for Documentum
The requirements for SQL server database for installing Documentum Server require case-sensitivity, and that SQL Server authentication only should be in place. As a feature request, would it be possible to make this flexible and allow SQL Server to be also installed in case-insensitive way, plus enable Windows…