Cloud ready solution offers instant access to a full set of eDOCS capabilities, no matter the cloud deployment model
Need sample code - eDocs DM 22.x - Web services - How to search for and add folders/subfolders
Hi, I have some old samples of the DM Webservices to search for and add documents, but it does not have any sample code for searching for or adding folders and sub folders. I am adding a document to the library and need sample code to find out if the folder/sub folder exists and if it doesn't then add the folder/subfolder…
We are utilizing eDOCS/API vers 16.7.2 When add documents via Rest API, file created as zero bytes
I have a java program that is utilizing the eDOCS API vers 16.7.2, when uploading a file via Swagger it works fine and the document is created successfully, it is unlocked (no red mark on thumbnail) and its not zero bytes. However, when I attempt to add a document via my java class, the document is created, however the…
eDOCS REST API - token timeout
How can I refresh the token timeout?
How do you call the “eDOCS DM Document” from 64-bit MS Access application?
I am an application manager with the Canadain Armed Forces. I have updated the MS Access application from 32-bit to 64-bit. In the 32-bit version I used “ SendKeys "e~" “ to open the Recently Edited Documents folder. However, under 64-bit it opens the MS Access insert object form and the user needs to select “eDOCS DM…
best way to add user
is there another way to add users to DM besides DM library. we are on edocs dm 16.7.6
Setting Read-Only status on an attachment when creating via rest api?
Is it possible to set an attachment to read-only when creating via the rest api? I have tried including "STATUS": 19 (as int and string) in the data object, but that doesn't seem to do it. Thanks!
Public folder link in Windows quick access
Hello. I found that if the DM public folder is added to the Quick Access (Windows Explorer), then it is not possible to remove it from there. There is no context menu and button "Unpin from Quick access" . Does anyone know a working solution to remove the shortcut?
eDocs - Rest API - Lookups
What Am I supposed to set in the key value and where I can find it using the api? Thanks.
InfoCenter Customization.
We are seeking to use the IC customization platform to provide a required field based on criteria. The two areas we’ve attempted specifically. Presenting a Custom Form Using the Events elements to alter a form With the InfoCenter Customizations platform, should it possible to make a profile form field…
Programmatically sign a Liquid Office form?
Is it possible to programmatically sign a Liquid Office form? We have a situation where sometimes a form needs to be auto-approved and routed but include the signature as if someone actually clicked the signature field and signed the form. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Warehouse Administrator
The user has been assigned a role Warehouse Administrator. But at the entrance to the transport warehouse I see such an error. Content Server Error: Error browsing the specified object. [Could not get the warehouse volume.] Tell me what could be the reason?
DM Infocenter detecting Application type during upload
Is there a way to have Infocenter or DM extensions detect the application type when uploading document. E.g When we drag and drop .PDF files can it automatically recognize as PDF in Application. When we are filing employees letters into their files, this extra step is time-consuming. If this is automatic, we would be able…
eDocs Search Rest API does not return version number
It returns something like this, how am I supposed to know which version it is? "APP_ID": "MS WORD", "ITEM_TYPE": "D", "DOCNAME": "NVCA_Model_Legal-Opinion", "DOCNUM": "12", "LAST_EDIT_DATE": "2022-02-25 04:34:19 UTC", "DOCS_LIBRARY_NAME": "EDOCS_DM", "AUTHOR_ID": "Author User", "STATUS": "0", "SEC_REASON_LINK": "1",…
InfoCenter desktop client customization
Hi All, We have client who uses eDOCS InfoCenter desktop client heavily for their document and record management across organization. we have received few customization request from the client where we want to add some new features/modules and integrate new functionality inside InfoCenter desktop client. We are aware that…
Impersonate user eDocs REST API
Is there a way to impersonate a user using the eDocs REST API? I would like to create an app that could display a user's recent edits, but cannot find a way to connect and retrieve a DST for an impersonated user, or to pass a different username into a /folders/recentedits call. Is there a way to do this?
eDocs - Rest API - Update a document
Hi, I need to update the contents of a document, checking the document`s endpoints of the Rest API: https://developer.opentext.com/apis/9ca24bb2-a89a-446a-96dc-3138b8a5622f/eDOCS%20REST%20API#tag/documents I could not find a way to do it. I known it is possible to do with the DM COM API as follows: Is there a way to do it…
This discussion was created from comments split from: OpenText AppWorks Developer website update!.
eDocs - Edit a document from a web application
Hi, I have a form where the user can browse his documents, is there a way to edit a document from the browser? From the perspective that the user will have the eDocs plugin installed in his machine can I launch the plugin using a protocol with the document`s data? I known OpenCenter has a way of doing it, maybe I can do…
eDocs - Rest API - "Lookup" questions
Hi, 1 - In the following endpoint I known that the profile parameter is the name of the form but what is the key parameter and where I can look for it? 2 - Is there how to known the total entries of a lookup table? 3 - How can I use the filter query parameter to seach for more than one field with an or clause? For example…
Check-in with minor version sub version is not working
Method : Put Url : Body: { "DOCNAME": "PASSPORT221_23_iNSTALL.docx", "AUTHOR_ID": "arul", "AUTHOR":"arul", "TYPIST_ID": "arul", "APP_ID": "MS Word", "FORM": "1839", "_restapi": { "form_name": "DEF_PROF" } } Above Rest API is not working…