Cloud Fax and Notifications
OpenText Notifications is a cloud-based, comprehensive omni-channel messaging platform that increases the effectiveness of message creation and delivery. It is a coordinated solution to deliver essential communications via SMS, voice, email and fax with end-to-end visibility and message control.
XOA Service Error encountered when viewing the document sent through fax
Fax was successfully sent through JobSubmit API returning a status code = 0 But as soon as we click the “View” link at the right side under Actions column in the Web Portal (, we will hit the error popping up on the screen: XOA Service Error What could cause this error and how do we avoid it?…
Enhanced Email Options - From Address and ReplyTo not working
I have submitted an email job with an enhanced email option and I setup the From address and Reply to as follows, EnhancedEmailOptions = new EnhancedEmailOptionsType() { Subject = new EncodableStringType() { Value = "Test Email" }, FromDisplayName = "Some Value", FromAddress = "", ReplyTo =…
Access Opentext Jobsubmit service SOAP API in .Net Core
I am trying to send email using opentext email API. When I add web service to my application, I can able to access all methods. My doubt is, There is no Jobsubmitservice class. How to use JobSubmitAsync to submit a job. is there any samples available in .net core ?
How soon can JobDeliveryStausRequest be checked?
Typically, as we submit a new fax and get a jobID, the endpoint that serves JobDeliveryStatus is ready to go immediately. We check the first status after 67 seconds to catch the initial errors like 2006, 6500, 5103, 9001, etc., and then we check the status progressively in respect to the fax size. It works fine, but there…
I need Opentext Rest API submit URL For Email
Hello, I need to send email job using REST API. Can you please share the submit URL for Email. I have one for Fax (i.e.) But i need to send a Job type as an email using REST API. Thank You !!
Clarifications on accessing the API endpoints like JobSubmit, Authenticate, etc.
Hi. I am using a F2M user account (username: in accessing the endpoint: inside the code that I've written for the API to authenticate user, send fax, etc. and it works fine. However, I have created a user inside and…
Page count not showing in the coversheet
I'm using a JobSubmit API in sending the fax with a coversheet that is set in the web admin. I was able to display everything except the page count as shown below: Below is the code snippet that I used for setting the coverpage: I presume that this count should be automatic upon sending the fax but it looks like its not.…
Can you share simple Program for sending attached PDF document via FAX using JobSubmit service.
Can you share simple Program for sending attached PDF document via FAX using JobSubmit service. Without CSV file.
Error in Job Detail service
Hi, I have a code for Job Detail and I kept getting the error details below: Error Message: Domain not available for this request : xsi Error Code:12801 Below is a part of my code that sets the XDN from the successful JobSubmit call:[] JobId = new…
Getting a "Failed" status when using MMCoverSheetRetrieve API
Hi, We want to be able to retrieve the names of the cover pages from the web admin portal as shown below: and use the name upon sending the fax in our code using the JobSubmit API. However, I'm currently encountering a "Failed" status using the MMCoverSheetRetrieve API as shown below: Can you please let me know if there's…
Issues encountered with JobSubmitService
Hi, I was trying out the java code for 2.6 as found on this link: However, after generating the java classes and stubs from wsdl, I can see that JobSubmitService is an interface which as a result, gives the "cannot instantiate" error in the code below…
When will I get XFER in report status field?
While pulling the reports I got an event having STAT and POST STAT fields as XFER. The trigger value was P. I would like know the scenario for the return code.
Attention Line Not Populating
I'm trying to get the attention line to show up in the coversheet, but when I pass data in to the CoversheetAttn field in the soap xml, it doesn't populate on the coversheet: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>…
Easylink Messaging API - CREF
Hi, I am using Easylink messaging API 2.6 and i need to send multiple values in customer reference parameter. is it possible ? EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType JS_CRef = new EMsgAPI_JobSubmit201101.EncodableStringType(); JS_CRef.Value = "value"; JS_JobOptions.CustomerReference = JS_CRef; (i need to pass multiple…
Cloud Fax and Notifications API Technical Documents
* REST API Manuals * SOAP API Manuals * SOAP API Code Samples
Unable to use custom coversheet
Hi, I am trying to use a custom covertsheet for the sample fax which I am trying to send. I have prepared the word document by modifying an existing cover sheet which I have downloaded from Below is the code which I am using: #region Setup Covert page details…
We are facing issue in sending fax with custom Cover Sheet.
we have created the cover sheet in and able to fetch using MMCoverSheetRetrieve API. MMCoverSheetRetrieve Request: <MMCoverSheetRetrieveRequest xmlns=""> <SubmitId>CSG6116112HEAL</SubmitId> <ObjectStore>XDDS</ObjectStore>…
Issue in sending fax with custom Cover Sheet.
We are facing issue in sending
fax with custom Cover Sheet. we have created the cover sheet
in and able to fetch using MMCoverSheetRetrieve API but while sending Fax, we are
getting coversheet not found Error. For your reference I have listed below all the request and Response…
Issue in sending fax with custom Cover Sheet.
We are facing issue in sending
fax with custom Cover Sheet. we have created the cover sheet
in and able to fetch using MMCoverSheetRetrieve API but while sending Fax, we are
getting coversheet not found Error. For your reference I have listed below the request and Response for…
Email Messaging
We are looking for solution where we can send emails to our customers either single or bulk. We will like to explore OpenText API to understand better about this. I only see SOAP based API for the same, do we have REST APIs. ? Whats support on Cloud and OnPremise solution. It will be great if one can share few articles…