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Simple Rest D2 Rest Services Search Example
I wrote this is educate myself about simple REST Services for DCTM. Hope it's useful.
Documentum RPS conditional aging, event date is not populated
I am working on Documentum RPS and I am very new to the concept, My doubt is on the conditional aging. So we create the conditions and apply them to the retention policy in phase tab, but there is no place to determine or configure what the condition needs to look for like a change in date or something, Let say we have 100…
Executing custom code after checkin process
Hi! I am new to java and DFC development. We have developed a custom code that is ideally executed after the checkin process is completed. We use the below if statement to trigger the custom code: if (strAction.equalsIgnoreCase("checkin")) { //custom code here } unfortunately, the code is executed when the checkin process…
DFS 23.4 Services fail to build
Hello, I am trying to build DFS Services to version 23.4 and it fails. We had DFS Services on version 7.3 and we are upgrading them. We updated the java version to 17 and resolved some issues that we had. The code builds and our tests run fine. The issue is that when I run the build.xml, it fails with the error:…
How to run the D2 Rest plugin project locally using Spring
Hi All, We have created a new plugin project using d2rest smartview sdk [23.4] and on top of it we have created a D2-Rest plugin as well. If we build the project and deploy it to the ls-rest server, the endpoint works and we dont have any issues. however , we want to develop our custom D2 Rest plugin and want to test the…
Documentum Docbase Service failed to start
Hello Everyone. After an upgrade of the Capital Project Content Server, the Documentum Docbase Service fails to start and displays the following error message. Message ( Tue Sep 03 15:51:35 2024[DM_STARTUP_I_DOCBASE_OWNER_NOT_FOUND]: The database user (USR) is not a valid NT User. This is the user specified in your…
Creating multiple documents out of one record "on demand"
I got the task to occasionally create TWO documents out of ONE Empower file with "essentially the same content but …" I have no hint to do this when creating the Empower document in the first run. This is a decision in the "Interview page". The user may decide to create both a "long" and a "short" document that share 99%…
Scheduled notification user preferences in 23.2 error
Could it be the new scheduled notification user preferences in AppWorks 23.2 will only work with an OAuth enabled e-mail service container? When I open the user preferences in runtime, I directly see an error in the Application_Server.xml logging of the platform: The [ GetOAuthConfig ] method is not supported for the given…
is there a way to use non ASCII characters for bullets?
An old client asked me to change one of the characters from a bulleted list for a 'white bullet' ( ◦ ). It was necessary to use that symbol because screen readers read it as 'white bullet'. In the View Character Set there is a similar one but it is the degree symbol which is read as 'degree' by screen readers… So… is it…
SDK 24.3 - yeoman scaffolding fails
We tried to create a new Smart View customization project. We follow the instructions from "4-0190 Content Server SmartView Development - 20.2" When using yeoman for scaffolding we got the following error: Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module C:\SmartView\generator\node_modules\chalk\source\index.js from…
Opentext Smartview is prompting for sign-in
Hi Members, SmartView is prompting for sign-in pop-up. When entering the credentials in username/password (or) when clicking the cancel, it is returning the same prompt and not allowing to perform any operation like navigation etc. we are using SSO. Please advise. Regards, Vishnu
Keeping links in PDF attachments imported into EMPOWER
We have an application (Extream Designer) that creates an EMPOWER document to which we upload PDF attachments. While the attachments do render fine in both preview and fulfillment, clickable links in the uploaded attachments are converted in plain text. They still LOOK like the original link, but they a re no more "linked"…
Is there a way to 'complete' a task in a lifecycle, programmatically?
Hi there - Thanks to everyone who has engaged with my forum posts, it is appreciated. I have one last question as I wrap up an approval workflow for our accounting team. Is there a way to programmatically 'complete' a task in a lifecycle? The only option I'm able to progress a task forward is by clicking 'complete'…
How to get ACCESS TOKEN for Exstream APIs
To use Exstream APIs, I am able to use endpoint /authentication/credentials to get OTDS ticket, but for some APIs, they request an ACCESS TOKEN, my question is how to get the ACCESS TOKEN? This is the response of /authentication/credentials { "token": "213312312312312312312312", "userId": "my Id", "ticket":…
Smart View Perspective Web Report
Hi all Can anyone advise whether Parameters can be passed to a webreport which is on a Content Intelligence HTML webreport Perspective - from a URL? I can do it in Classic view, but Smart View fails pass the parameters through. Thanks
CS returns an error when trying to create Сategories in the Properties.
It doesn't have any problems with General, Specific, Audit, References, Versions attributes in the Properties. Once I click on Categories it returns an error " Server did not respond". It happens with any type of file. Any suggestions where I can check why it might happen?
OpenDeploy query
While doing publishing through command line using iwocmd command, is it possible to ignore publishing the locked files or files which are in still in edit mode? ./iwodcmd start <config filename> -k notifyActivity=yes I read the document but couldn't find anything. TIA,
"value is too big for attribute", but it's not
Hi. I'm investigating the failure to assign a UTF-8 value. My checks show that it should fit. Notice that the two numbers are the same in the error message. Is this a known issue with Documentum? IDQL> 1> select r_server_version from dm_server_config; 2> go r_server_version -------------------------------- 7.3.0000.0214…
How do I install OpenText Exstream 23.3 on premise edition?
How do I install OpenText Exstream 23.3 on premise edition?
Why should the Multilingual Check function always return True?
Hi, We want the browse folder functionality to avoid having the sql query join with the webnodes_metadata_EN_en table. This woud improve our browsing experience tremendously. To achieve this there is a configuration setting, however this is always overruled in the Oscript function '_GetSelectWithPaging_IsMultiplingual'…