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Follow Product Categories to personalize your experience
Following product categories allows you to see all posts for the products you follow in the Quick Links list and site header; receive email notifications; and refines your search results. Read on to learn more. Select a product Category: Quick Links After 'Following' a product Category, you can use the Quick Links menu to…
OT Communications CE - Realtime deployment application design considerations
Whose has Communication publishing with High-throughput (realtime) feature? Which version? Lessons learned? Inquiring minds would like to know! Thanks in advance
Core Capture - View Error Logs
Hi Guys, We are trying to setup an Core Capture Process with an export to Content Server. Within the Core Capture export process an error occurs. "The batch submission failed due to an internal error. Please contact administrator." To identify the issue we would like to access some form of audit/logging. Where can this be…
como utilizar 2 parametros con la etiqueta RUNSQL
necesito saber como puedo obtener la informacion de 2 parametros [LL_REPTAG_$LrIdObtenerIdCarpeta RUNSQL:"[LL_REPTAG_&CodigoCliente /]":"[LL_REPTAG_!vMascara /]" SETVAR:idCarpeta /]
Perspective Activity Feed Widget
Is it possible to get updated from a folder and its subfolders. Currently we have only Node option in activity feed configuration of a widget. Kindly advise.
Lot of folders in one workspace folder, need to segregate them into different folders.
Hi , We have initially configured all the workspaces created in a single parent workspace folder, now we have around one crore workspace folders created inside that and many to come, how can we segregate them into multiple workspaces, like based on date folder , first we need to segregate based on year and then inside year…
What is the proper way to add RecordsManagement.svc to CWS (dotnet)
Hi, I was wondering what is the proper way to add the RecordsManagement service so I'd be able to use it's methods on my .NET project? As far as I know RecordsManagement.svc and it's DLL file are not located at the folder : OPENTEXT > WEBSERVICES > DOTNET > CWS / bin So I'm not able to add it to my project like other…
Pass Metadata with Workflow Initiation (Attributes/ Form) with REST API
Hi, I'm looking for a way to somehow initiate a workflow with some custom metadata that I want to store in the WF process (data could be stored in WF attributes, maybe a form) My main goal is to run WF several times to do the same job but with different metadata. The only thing that came up in mind is to run a over a list…
Reference file
**** morning everyone! We are working with an app (OpenText Designer V23) that includes a reference file containing an XML list along with its own KEY. This list is supposed to match one of the variables in the customer driver file, but it always returns a blank. Do you know if I'm overlooking anything important for it to…
OpenText API authentication failed.
Hi Guys. I got all the details like TenantID, TenantUserName, TenantPassword, CLientId and ClientScecret. Though I applied all those it failed the authorization. Please check the attached screenshot. Any advise on how to get it authorized. Thanks.
Create Profile from VSCode
Create Profile From VS COde Added all the required key Create profile from VS Code for Opentext Authorization failed. Please check the client ID is valid within your profile. Using Trial Account
LiveReports - Filtering UserID
I have a LiveReports which displays all the outstanding tasks of all workflows which are active. I am looking for assistance how to filter the report when the user who login to Content Server will see only his tasks
Bulk permission change
Hi, I am trying to write a Powershell/C# script to bulk change file permissions in my home EC folder. I am wondering where I can find documentation or an example. Thanks!
OTDS token request with HTTPS url
Hi Team, End point of OTDS to get a token everytime a user hits a CS URL as here below is working fine with HTTP url. http://localhost/otdsws/rest/authentication/credentials { username: , password: } However once have enabled SSL to OTDS url and started using HTTPS for the same URL , the URL does'nt work and returning…
Is it possible to upload a file streaming when creating a node
Is it possible to upload a file streaming when creating a node, we are using NodeJS + typescript and now I have to read a whole file into memory before I can upload it. Can this be done differently?
<DataType_1_3_Workflow Attributes />
Hello everyone, I have an issue in the workflow regarding the naming of the step by the user and using <DataType_1_3_IDNumber />, which is one of the inputs in the workflow and has a value, but it does not appear. For example, in the following images
Running 2 instances of OTDS (different versions) on same Linux VM
We are trying to do a PoC with latest OTDS version, while keeping our exiting older OTDS version in place on same VM. Is it possible to have 2 different version of OTDS installed and running on same Linux VM? Note - We do have a separate directory for new installation and separate instance of Tomcat already setup on the VM.
Migration from ECC to S4/HANA
Hello there, we are planning to change our SAP ECC to S4/HANA but we would like to know if our current OpenText (22.3) would be compatible with the new S4/HANA. Another question would be to know if we the docs in the OT would be accessible from the S4 without any change in any of the two systems ( Ot nor S4) Thanks in…
ollsigner - Cannot access OLL file / tables in OLL file
Hi, I'm trying to sign an oll using the ollsigner tool provided, but I am getting the following error with the command: Command: java -jar ollsigner-1.3.0.jar -keystore my/store.pk12 -storepass my_pass -keypass mykeypass hotspots.oll HOTSPOTS and the error i'm getting is: Processing File 'file.oll' Cannot access OLL file /…
Could not launch
Last Status: FAILED: Could not launch method bulkRotatelmage: OS error: (No Error), DM error: (). Last Return Code: 1 Document DA
XMFax Cloud - Error code 600/602
When attempting to get the status of a fax that failed using the broadcast ID, it appears the same as if the fax is still waiting to be sent. It does not provide the error code that is visible in the XMFax Portal. Steps to reproduce: We sent a fax to a phone number (intentionally to check behavior; sometimes we are given a…