How to call an Oracle Stored Function returning a ref cursor?
From a BPM script, is it possible to call an oracle stored function returning a ref cursor? If i have an oracle function like this: FUNCTION getCursor( myParameter number) return sys_refcursor is BEGIN OPEN myCursor FOR SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE field = myParameter ; RETURN myCursor; END; can you share a BPM script…
Preferred 9.x replacement to pass array of strings
When I created a function in 7.6 I needed to add the ework object and args string array as the parameters. public static function retSomething (ework: SyncProcessData, args: Object[]) : String In 9.x and converting to C# I replace ework with ProcessContext, add a process object variable and add the args... public static…
Unable to get server-side script to see other classes of REST program written in C#
I have a small program that is configured to work with another system (via a REST API) our lab uses for issue tracking purposes. While my program works perfectly fine in Visual Studio (which I chose to write the program in since from what I can tell the Metastorm IDE isn't the most robust) it doesn't seem to work at all in…
EncryptPassword method gets different password than MBPM Admin Tools?
I am writing an MBPM solution to reset passwords in eUser. I added a user with MBPM Admin Tools with password, 'prana345'; the encrypted password in eUser is E8C33CD296C88B072E74D3822F07F366. Using EncryptPassword, the encypted password is different. So I assume that I cannot use the password encrypted by EncryptPassword?…
New to PM4DATA / Help with Scripting
Hii all, I'm new to pm4data, and I need to make an script (.ksh or .xms) that changes some monitoring directories, replacing one substring with other one (both given). Any good manual or any idea... for example is there command (native) in PM4Data that allows me to do what I want to do ? Any help will be appreciated!!!…
Documentation is where exactly?
Where can I locate the product documentation for version 7.6.x. Thank you.