Information about ProVision with Citrix
Where can I find information for the ProVision installation to work with Citrix? Note: * We have installed ProVision 6.3.1 and planning to upgrade to version 9.0.0
Provision Models from version 6.3.1 compatible with version 9.0.0?
Are the models and notebooks developed using Provision version 6.x compatible with version 9.0.0?
Function to Compare and Merge two models/notebooks in ProVision 6.3.1
Is there an function available in ProVision 6.3.1 to compare the differences and MERGE two models/notebooks? I'm aware of Interface --> Provision Objects --> Import from file option available in ProVision 6.3.1 to merge an imported notebook file with the currently open notebook file. Could we view the comparison results of…
Archimate 2 as a ProVision Modelling language
Hi, Does anyone know if ProVision supports Archimate 2.0 or if it will in the future (and when). I saw an external presentation that suggested it did but cannot find any info. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8BDOb3KaYlo Thanks, Roger
Updating models but leaving them checked out
Is there a way to update KE server with updates made on the desktop client while leaving the models checked out. Could be wrong but seem to remember being asked for this question before we changed out KEServer to use Activity Direcotry (previously was using the inbuilt database security provider). Any insight shall be very…
Client-side scripting, password fields
Does anyone know how to read a client side password textbox on submission of a form (or at any other time). I am trying to develop a 'change password' form that has strict rules such as upper case, alpha and numeric. In version 7, you simply accessed a client side field using the value property i.e. txtNewPassword.value.…
Hi I try to undersand what exactly is Metastorm Reference Model For IT Infrastructure Management and if it is a sort of example that I can use in Provision as a template to implement my corporate process model. Where I can download it ? Thank you Simo