SOA PV modeling language or at a minimum a gallery/stencil for SOA
Team, Is there a SOA modeling language available or at a minimum a gallery/stencil we could use? Thanks, David
Decision Blocks
The outcomes on some of my decision blocks are changing after I've modelled the workflow. I'll come back days later and find that my Yes/ No outcomes have changed to Yes/Yes I am the only one working on the workflows, so no-one is changing them. What could cause this?
Compare Two Models in ProVision version 6.3.1 -- Option to Generate a Report
I'm using the Compare functionality available under Tools menu in ProVision 6.3.1 to compare two notebooks. Currently the comparison result (with matches/mismatches) is listed under the Inventory (Control) tab. Is there an option or functions to generate a comparison report and publish (HTML/PDF/MS DOC format) in…
Installing Designer 7.6 on a laptop with 9.2 Installed
Hi Is it possble to install the designer from 7.6 on to a laptop with 9.2 Designer, engine etc. running. I have a VM with the Metatsorm 7.6 environment and Test/UAT/Live servers, but I like to develop locally, preferably outside the VM since it's much faster. Cheers Graham
Configuring Documentum DR solution
Hello Experts, Can anyone suggest me what is the best low cost HA, DR solution for Documentum. We have two physical servers located in different geographic locations.The distance between the two host's is less than 60 km.In addition to DR the primary site must fail over to DR site in minutes. We use oracle as database…
Update attribute values of custom document.
Hi all, i want to update some attribute values to the all existing custom documents in the repository, with out changing the r_modify_date. how this can be done through DQL or SQL. Thanks In Advance.