Passing Parameters in both FireFox and IE
I'm trying to pass a value from one Admin form into another and it must work in both FireFox and IE. Using the window.showModalDialog(url, myVariable, settings) and the corresponding myVaribale=window.dialogArguments works with IE but not in FF (the window opens but the variable is "undefined") Using the web client…
Script execution timed out. Error: Thread was being aborted.
Hello all, I've been getting quite frequently the same error in elog, when calling a .net webservice via B2B integrator, the error is the following: Unable to execute script entry point 'EPO.WS.Invoke'. Reason 'Script execution timed out. Error: Thread was being aborted.'. Procedure Script call failed. Position: 171 So…
SSO Login issue
Hi , After completing the setup of SSO authentication when i trying login to Metastorm . Getting the following error. Unable toexecute specifiedscript expression. Reason 'Error(-2146823281) : 'undefined' is null or not an object, at line 284, character 4. Source: Unavailable.' Error occurred while executing SAP. Could any…
Limit Export feature in Report
Hello All, Is it possible to configure the report export options available in Metastorm report so that users are only allowed to export the report in Pdf and not in any other format. Thanks!
Is it possible to create new modeler types? I would like to create a modeler that works lIke the System Modeled but is used to represent Servers(a custom object created for our modeling language)
Deadline field and timezone changes
Good day, I cannot find a method to disable timezone adjustments on the deadline field which is displayed on the To-do list and watch list. Currently I add a deadline (with a time amended from a server side script); the server is in a different time-zone. When viewing the deadline, the time is changed reflecting the…