Getting data from currently selected row in a grid
Hi, thanks in advance for your help. I have a grid that is getting it's data from table business object. When the user selects a row, I would like to populate form fields on the same form (the grid displays only a subset of the fields available - this is like a summary/detail view). I have a function for when user selects…
start an user action on a Command Button Click
Hi all, Can we start an user action on a command button click..? I used window.open(.. , ..) method. I could be able to open only the form..... (There are some fields which should be filled with the values from the data base when we open that form.But,values are not fetched from the database and those are not bind to the…
How do I begin ...
When you get your userids and passwords( sent via email ) you can log into Webvision and review the v9 Beta notebook located in your repository. Please open the V9 Beta notebook and choose the Project view. In the Project view you will find a ProVision V9 Beta Workflow Model. This model will provide the overview of the…
Admin Tools: Access Denied: the current user does not have the appropriate role to
Access Denied: the current user does not have the appropriate role to access the system. This can either be caused by errors with the configuration or errors with the users and roles. Configuration Ensure that the MetastormAdministration directory has Forms Authentication enabled. Users and Roles Ensure that the user you…
Troubleshooting - Admin Tools Service Error
This can be cause by a number of different things, from an engine that's not started to incorrect endpoints. Here is a general list of things to check ------------------------------------------------------------ 1) IIS Anonymous user settings Often you'll see this error when someone has updated the password for the service…