Write to log from JScript
How do I write to the metastorm logs (procedure logs) from a Jscript ? something equivalent to log.error() from Java based BPM tools ?
how to use folder content search
<span style="font-family: calibri, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt;" mcestyle="font-family: calibri, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt;">Hi All, <span style="font-family: calibri, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt;" mcestyle="font-family: calibri, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size:…
An invalid character was found in the mail header
Hi All, I try to use the SendEmailActivity, but an error stops me from sending the email. from eLog: An invalid character was found in the mail header:','. but the email addresses contains only semicolon. anyone can help? Chun
Client or Server script to prevent action from taking place
is there syntax I can use to associate to a form btnClick event in order to prevent an action from taking place using either client or server scripting (Code activity)? I assume this would be placed at event handler 'when action started'? or on form submission? i can't seem to find anything on this.
v9 and Visual Studio 2010 using DLL
Hi, just information: If you want to use a DLL in MBPM v9 do not use the VS2010 to create the DLL because of some Problems. After copy the DLL to the Customer Lib Directory * The DLL can’t be found in Namespaces (using). * Any code generation failed. To fix this issue: Use Visual Studio 2008 to create the DLL. Ralf
Defendant Fields Not Refreshing
I would appreciate some help. I have several form objects marked "is dependent" which are not refreshing when fields marked "has dependents" are changed. The failure occurs intermittently though occasionally it does work. Also, on my development system it…
SMTP Failure
I am setting up a new Metastorm (MS) v9.1SR1 instance and am having trouble getting SMTP to work. The destination SMTP server is working as I can test it from the MS server using a non-MS sendmail function. It does work if I set IIS to Store e-mail in pickup directory but when I set IIS to deliver to a remote SMTP server…
Client Extensions on Form Fields
Hello everybody, for one of our upcoming projects we would like to enhance metastorm 9 webcontrols with some special fields like "Auto Suggest" or a "User Picker". It would be great to use some custom client extension for this. For example, you can simply transfer a text field into an hyperlink by entering…
Property Repeats
Choose the custom object – in this case Firewall (see attachment). Click Layout and notice there are multiple occurrences of multiple properties. It looks like all the custom properties have multiple occurrences and all the default properties (Rule, Artifact, etc.) have only singular occurrences showing in the select…