How to Register
You need to be registered in order to do the following: * Post to Metastorm Community Central (MC2) * Access the Metastorm Customer Zone, Metastorm Partner Zone, or Metastorm ProVision Support site * Access software downloads and documentation in the Knowledge Center. Note that 2 and 3 above also require a valid…
Public access
Can anyone provide assistance on how to open up forms to Public Access? We are using Metastorm 9.1 and we have modified the web.config as described in the Administration Guide, set the values to Guest in the Action and Form but can still not open a form without logging into the dashboard. Any help would be appreciated.
Public access
Can anyone provide assistance on how to open up forms to Public Access? We are using Metastorm 9.1 and we have modified the web.config as described in the Administration Guide, set the values to Guest in the Action and Form but can still not open a form without logging into the dashboard. Any help would be appreciated.
Send email - Can the reply to field contain multiple email addresses?
Using v7.5 SR1
Public access
Can anyone provide assistance on how to open up forms to Public Access? We are using Metastorm 9.1 and we have modified the web.config as described in the Administration Guide, set the values to Guest in the Action and Form but can still not open a form without logging into the dashboard. Any help would be appreciated.
Immediate transfer configuration issue?
We are setting up a file transfer between 2 entreprise node. When invoking immediate transfer, we end up with blank files on the receiving node and the data portion ends up in the DLQ of the receiving QM. The transfer eventually times out and the transfer - of course - ends up in the Fixit because the receiving end didn't…
Re: MBPM v9 Grids
Yes, I have posted here previously on this topic. I have also had a dialog with Metastorm on this subject as I beleive that it may have been resolved in a later version (9.1.1) but there was a comment on this forum that this had been recognised as a defect (not in my opinion). I have stressed my opinion to Metastorm that…
Deleting old versions of deployed solution
Hi All I'm trying to perform a bit of housekeeping and would like to remove / delete some old versions of a deployed solution from last month. I tried to do this via the admin tool but it just seems to sit there and do nothing. Had a quick look through the stored procs and there is a stored proc to delete a procedure…
MBPM v9 Grids
An interesting observation on version 9 grids.... If the cell content of a grid contains xml or a fragment of xml it will be 'evaluated' and the display may not be what you expect. An example would be xml that contains nodes where the values only of those nodes are displayed, or it if turns out to be a string that happens…
Problem open a folder from a link
Hi all, I use a link from an email send to users to notify them the folder created. This link points to a folder in bpm 9 and is constructed using eFolder.aspx page and attribute parameters. It' looks like this:…