Proper way to pull variable in c# server script
I had a v7 jscript server script that ran on "when button pressed" that queried a table using a field on the current form. Select function_id from table where Application_Desc = '"+ework.txtSystem2+"'" What is the proper way to pull that variable into C#? Thanks, Harry
Source and Target in Deliverables of Message
I am starting to explore modeling of services (using EA) and there are two folders to select deliverables for message - source and target. Alas, it is definetely not clear to me, what is meant by "which Deliverables are the source of the Message". Help me with interpretation and with an example of application if possible,…
v9 - Multiple selects and logic within list options
I am trying to pull different things in my "List Options" for a v9 dropdown box, but I have been unsuccessful in getting my information to pull properly. In version 7, I could have a simple "%SelectSQL" on the first line and a conditional action on the second line. In version 9 it seems that it only wants me to put one…
Metastorm BPM 9.0.3 Hotfix 5 (
Product: Metastorm BPM® Release: 9.0 SR3 Hotfix: Affected Components: Metastorm ECL for WS, Metastorm Web Client Purpose of the hotfix: This hotfix addresses the following issues: * Using the GetListEx method with its filter parameter not set to null displays an error message, “No Engines are available in the…
Knowledge Exchnage upgrade.
We're plannin an upgrade of Knowledge exchange and Provision from 6.2.4 to 6.3. Part of our upgrade is a planned upgrade of the tomcat server as well, so I have a few questions. * Can I perform an in-place upgrade of the tomcat server from 5.5 to 6? will the application be transfered? If, not how do I go about re-creating…