If Engine and Database servers are even a second apart, timed loopback actions repeat erronously
I've been following how timed actions work for many, many years now. It has wavered a bit, but it keeps to the design we originally had: If the time of a loopback action is not in the future, it is ignored on a loopback action. This prevents the same timer going off forever. In version 9, this seems to have been broken by…
Text field left padding
Hi, I have a text form field that needs to be 5 characters long, I figure that a on field exit event would be the best choice to have a client script that will achieve this. I have done a search and found on MSDN a Pad Left (MyString.PadLeft(20, "-"c) string function that will do what I want but when I put it into the…
Adrian Tonkin
Metastorm 7.5 SDK fails to install correctly on Windows 2008 R2 64-bit
We are having trouble installing the 7.5 SDK on a new server that needs to be able to raise flags. We have ran the SDK installer with no errors, but when using either a VBScript file to create an instance of the COM class or the eRaiseFlag.exe command line tool we get the following error: Error: Failed to create e-work…
All folders for a process (GetListEx)
Hi, I have successfully used GetList to obtain the SysAdmin user's list of folders. I am trying to programatically get all the folders for a particular process regardless of the stage (system stages included). GetListEx always throws an exception stating to contact the administrator (me). I am battling to get the…
Running Designer on Windows 7 x64
I am running the designer on my local workstation, which is Windows 7 x64. Using the "install deployment service locally" work-around, I am able to design and publish to my development environment on Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 R2. However, everytime I exit the Application, I get a windows error saying that…
Metastorm BPM 9 Quick Start video
We have added a video version of our Quick Start course for Metastorm BPM 9: http://processmapping.com.au/freestuff/metastormbpm9quickstartvideo/index.html We have the text version here: http://processmapping.com.au/freestuff/metastormbpm9quickstart/index.html Contrast and compare with out Version 7 Quick start which uses…
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Training Menu 2-17-2011 3-28-50 PM.jpg