Promoted functions fail if the Project name is a prefix of the Library name
Say we have a Project called MyProject. We then want some lookups, but do not want to keep them in the Project in case we need to change them later. We create a Library called MyProjectLookups. In it we have a class called Lookups with the required functions. That seems very sensible to me. When you use any promoted…
Printing Grid
Hello Does anyone have samples of how to setup/configure and then print a Admin Report grid? I would like to tie a query MBO to a grid on a Report and print the contents of this grid. Any help would be appericated.
v90 Form width and height
hi is max width and height of designing form is restricted to screen resolution?
Refresh Table Grid
Is it possible to refresh a grid tied to a TABLE mbo? If so how? Thanks
Send auto email 'Blind Copies' within BPM process
We are using 7.6 BPM. I noticed that there are no selections for 'Blind Copies' when setting up email processes in 7.6. I read that version 9 BPM offers this feature. Is this feature only in version 9 BPM? Is there a possibility that there is a 'Hot Fix' or patch for 7.6? thanks.
onDemand webinar: The Power of Business Transformation
The Power of Business Transformation Date: February 8, 2011 onDemand Recording link: http://goto.metastorm.com/the-power-of-business-transformation-mktolp.html You are constantly facing the need to change and evolve your organization to remain relevant and meet customer and regulatory demands. From upgrading SAP to…
Was support for SQL Server 2000 dropped in 7.6.2?
OK, this seems very odd. The release notes for 7.6.2 (and 7.6.3) state the following: The supported environment for 7.6 SR2 is identical to 7.6 and 7.6 SR1 with the addition of the following: (my emphasis). Then the list shows SQL Server 2005 & 2008. OK so far. In the Supported Environments, however, it states: 2.2.4…
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