Left Justify Text
I use BPM 7.6 and want to set left justify text for message column in the main view. Where/How for me to do that?
Metastorm Connections Newsletter
I receive your Metastorm Connections newsletter by email. The links in the email that are supposed to take me to the articles have URLs to advertisements embedded in them, so my company has blocked them, making your email useless to me. It would be nice if the links led straight to the articles instead of leading to…
Error entries in the eLog table....
Can any body tell me what this is supposed to mean????? I have no functions with a param called "oldValue" and why is an empty string not allowed to be passed in the first place??? Time:17/11/2010 11:48:44 Project or Library Name: Stage Name: Form Name:TestSetup Component Type: Description:Exception 'String cannot be of…
ECL Webservice and distributed transactions
Hi everyone, is there anyone in here who can share some thoughts concerning distributed transactions in connection with MBPM ECL in version 9? Here's the situation: We need to implement a WCF webservice that makes calls to Metastorm BPM and different other systems within one method, e.g. to Metastorm BPM and an ERP system.…
Read-only fields difficult to read
We are running version 7.6.3 and have been getting comments for some time that read-only fields are very difficult to read (very faint). The fonts can be made bigger and that helps the text fields. But fields that are dropdowns are even fainter and that still does not seem to help that type of field. We played with one…
Do multiple external DNS entries cause any problems for Metastorm BPM v7.6?
Does anyone know if creating multiple DNS entries to Metastorm BPM servers are likely to cause any issues? We are trying to set up deep linking to our Ework servers and wanted to know if it's likely to cause any problems if we create a second external DNS entry to the Ework engine servers. We are running Metastorm BPM…
How to create metastorm business objects dynamically at server script or code activity
Hi All, Can we create dynamic business object at server script or code activity,so that i will assing dataset to it and bind to metastorm grid.Plz help me out.
Application Error when Accessing SharePoint Repository via Attachment Clip
The following question has come up several times lately so I thought it may be of value to the MC Square users. "While trying to configure the Attachment Clip to use the SharePoint Repository I get the following error when testing": "The remote server returns an error: (401) Unauthorized" This error is caused by the…