Publishing BPEL Issue
Hi, Once I create a model in ProVision, I want to export a BPEL out of it. Following are the steps I followed - * Interface > BPEL > Export * Selected Notebook and the models within it. Selected Generic BPEL as target tool * Checkboxes checked - a. Selected the high level workflow b. In Options, I checked 'Include nested…
Blank Form Fails to Load After Metastorm 9.0 Is Installed
The information in this article applies to: Product: Metastorm BPM Version: 9.0.0 9.0.1 9.0.2 9.0.3 Issue * A blank form fails to load, and an error message similar to the following is written to the Windows event viewer: Error in: http://localhost/Metastorm/Forms/Process1/en-US/Form1.aspx Action: FirstAction Map: Process1…
v9 Label/Value pair
Hello all I have a split label/value drop down list. Let aasume the list is: A Apple B Bake C Cake How would I, on a server Side button click, set the dropdown to say 'Cake'? Presumably it should be simple. On button click run a Assign Value activity to set the it to Cake or C, right. Yeah, but I've had no luck. Thanks -lee
Webservice returning dataset in ver 9
Hello, I have a webserivce method that return a dataset. How do I loop through the records to assign the values to variables in a form?
V9 ECL control events
Hey all, I can successfully start a new process using the ECL however one of the controls on the form uses a WhenChanged event to populate other variables, in this case selecting a company id from the drop down populates the company name process variable and folders parent id. This event does not fire when setting the…
V9 form failing to load and general debugging...
I've spend a few of hours today going round on this one, so I thought I'd share.. As a process has been developed a certain form has been working fine but today I noticed it was failing to load with the web client just stopping at the "spinning clock" opening form. Nothing was logged in the designer's validation, the eLog…