V9: Save form from one solution and load it into another?
Is it possible to load a form into a current solution from another existing solution? I though I'd simply be able to import the .form file from the solution directory however the designer doesn't seem to like it and I can't seem to find a way to save the form in question so I suspecting either the form is corrupt or more…
V9: Creating drop down lists with options from multiple sources?
Hi All, When assigning list options to a drop down we used to be able to create lists using a combination of static options and data selected from a database using code similar to: BLANK FORM%CHR(9)%EMPTY()%SelectSQL("SELECT eStageName FROM eStage WHERE eMapName = '%ProcessName'") This would append the "Blank Form" option…
Assigning to Metastorm.Runtime.Types.List variable?
Hi, After promoting some methods from an imported dll to the expression wizard ( I have to say I really like this feature btw!) I'd like a drop down field to be based upon the results a call to one of these methods. I've noticed the input type for the drop down box is of type Metastorm.Runtime.Types.List but is there an…
v7.6.3 Calling a VBScript Function (with a parameter).... problem
What is the syntax for calling a vb function from Integration Builder? The function has one parameter: Function EscapeClientName(ClientNumber) I thought there was something odd with the 'Do This' side of Metastorm wherein you have to surround your parameters with extra %%. Please advise. Paul
Common Place to Keep all the Visual Scripts.
Hi , Actually, I want to place all my visual scripts at a single place (maybe I would make a Library or directly add the visual Scripts at my solution ) and then I want to give the reference of these visual scripts to my Events which are performed on the forms. There are three reasons of doing the above things.. * Another…
problems binding grid to business object in v9SR2
Silly me, I temporarily un-bound my grid from my business object while I was trying to do something experimental. Now I can't re-bind it again. I can set the grid to get data out of the business object, but when it comes to binding the columns, it seems like there has been no code written for when I select what I want to…
v9 Database Schema Developer Guide
Where's the Database Schema Developer Guide for v9? Thanx!!!