Publishing 6.2.3 - Using Compiled HTML on Web Server
I am experiencing problems using cHTML or the .chm file on a web server. Remote users are not able to access the .chm due to Microsoft security settings. Disabling the remote users security settings are not an option in this case and I'm looking for any other solutions for making published cHTML files available to 1000+…
Calling Multiple Transfers in Parallel
A customer recently asked how to call multiple transfers in parallel from a Process Flow. Here is one approach: Create a Fork | Merge in your process flow for each transfer. You can then do a "For Each" based on the contents of the XML. For example, if you have in your Workflow: file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt Set the…
Flag Action - Folder which must raise flag
If setting an expression for the 'folder which must raise flag' property of a Flag Action be careful of Intellisense. If you set the expression in the property pane and use the enter key to select an intellisense option the value will not be saved correctly. The dialog closes and all may look OK but all that is saved is…
CalculateDateTime Problem
Using CalculateDateTime (in an If condition) in a form "When user loads form" gives me the following error. When I take out the CalculateDateTime, the form works fine. I have verified and reverified that MedBIProcData1.DoB is DateTime. The arguments for units, before/after, and (date) from were all entered by the wizard.…
Enable retrieval of solutions from the database (as V7)
In V7 processes could be retrieved by the designer. This was so so useful in the event that your source file was corrupted you always had access to what had been deployed to the engine. I've now suffered my first data loss within a solution and I can see no way of retrieving the running version from the database so I'm…
V9: process map lost from solution?
Hi All, I'm just wondering if anybody else has came across this. I've been working on a process within V9.0.2 working out some integration issues and updating a particular form. I've been having to restart the designer each time I needed to update a custom dll and as a result have been saving the solution many times during…