Using spaces in tags
Hi It would be good if I can use words which include spaces as message tags here in the forum. For example when I type in Smart Business Workspace, it creates three separate tags instead of only one. Or do I have to surround it by apostrophs? Thanks Roberto
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 C++ Redist will not install from Metastorm v9 CD.
The install of the (x86) c++ Redist fails on Windows server 2008 R2 64 bit. I installed the x64 bit version of c++ and the Metastorm installer still fails to install the engines.
Deployment Service will not start
Hi, I have just installed Metastorm BPM 9.0 onto a development server in preperation for a migration from our existing BPM server shortly. I have been able to install the software and can connect to the /metastorm and /metastormadministration websites, however when I attempt to deploy a process from Deisgner on a client PC…
SendEmail Visual Script Activity SR2
The introduction of BCC to the SendEmail functionality causes issues for solutions created in previous versions. In SR2 the Visual Script Activity displays an additional parameter for BCC in existing solutions but this is at the bottom of the parameter list. The SendEmail activity expects BCC to be the third parameter and…
Version 9 Form Caption
Has anyone found a way to return the FormCaption property in a field or calculated label? FormName is available in the ProcessContext but not FormCaption. In Version 7x the FormName was all that was available and it allowed spaces in the name. The value of the FormName was used to display as a title in the header of a…