How to download an upgrade? I can't find the page.
My company has a license for ProVision, but it hasn't been used since some consultants left. I was given the CD but am unable to load it because the install fails the operating system test--apparently the version I have doesn't recognize Vista as a supported OS. Does anyone know where I can go to try downloading the latest…
Announcing Metastorm BPM Version 9.0 SDK
I am pleased to announce the availability of the Metastorm BPM Version 9.0 Software Development Kit (SDK). The Metastorm BPM Software Development Kit (SDK) is designed for use by System Integrators, Corporate Developers and Independent Software Vendors, who wish to build tight integration between Metastorm BPM and other…
Is it possible to create a psuedo-service using BPM?
Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to create a "service" using BPM in v9? Here's my scenario: We are using a File Loader service that listens on a folder for incoming files. As files are ingested by the File Loader service, it throws a flag that Metastorm catches, thus firing off a new folder and instantiating it into…
Failed to execute deployed method 'DataValue' error (Promote method)
I am running version 9.0.2 with an Oracle 11 database. In the initial action of my process, I have a form that contains a dropdown field named STATE_NAME which populates with values from a lookup table (for example, a dropdown list that returns US state names). I am using the default Metastorm connection to the database…
V9 - Executing stored procedures whilst explicitly naming the paramaters....
Hi, Just wondering if anyone has found any workaround to this... We used to use the %SelectSQL function to execute data retrieval stored procedures however we'd always name the paramaters that we were passing in as we don't like to rely on implicit ordering and sometimes certain parameters can be optional. This means that…
Root element is missing.
I have recently encountered an error in Designer whereby whenever I try to open an BusinessObject to edit it an error is appearing advising that an unhandled exception has occured, the root element is missing. If I press the continue button, I am returned to Designer and the BusinessObject doesnt open, if I press Quit then…
There were no users on the todo list
I have a process which when I was developing and testing was working perfectly under my account (administrator), and of course as Murphy would have it when I went to demonstrate and handover to the project owner for there testing and evaluation the damned thing buggers up. When a non-administrator user initiates the…