splitting up notebooks
We would like to split our MASTER notebook, which contains essentially all our models, into notebooks subdivided by subject area (e.g. each major organizational area has a workspace). Possibly, we may even put them in separate repositories. Is there a simple way to accomplish this?
Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records.
Hi All, I am facing an issue while commiting an updated dataset bound with my business object. Form Description : ================== My form has two Command Buttons[for server operation] named "AddRow" and "DeleteRow" for adding and deleting rows to the grid, respectively. the business obeject named "bot_DemoTest1" for…
How do you set a MBO parameter value programmatically in v9?
Business Objects instances are defined within the Data Access pane for processes, forms, and reports. When the instance is defined, the parameter is declaratively bound to an Expression (C# snippet), which is evaluated when the business object is first evaluated and upon subsequent refreshes in the case of forms and…
Metastorm E-work 6.5
We are currently running Metastorm E-work 6.5 (Yeah, I know it's outdated) on a Microsoft 2003 Server, Ms-Sql 2000. 5GB Ram 2 x dual Xeon 3.2Ghz processors When openening forms, the response from the engine is extremely SLOW! What can we do to enhance it? Regards
LDAP - How to filter for AD Group members? (V9 SR2.1)
Does anyone know how to create a LDAP Query business object that has a filter based on users AD Group (ie memberOf)? Currently I am able to filter based on CN, sAMAccountName, etc but for the life of me I can't figure out to filter for all users of a certain AD Group. Thanks.
Root Element Missing
I have recently encountered an error in Designer whereby whenever I try to open an BusinessObject to edit it an error is appearing advising that an unhandled exception has occured, the root element is missing. If I press the continue button, I am returned to Designer and the BusinessObject doesnt open, if I press Quit then…