Navigator naming
Hi, im a new metastorm developer. im a trying to rename the user interface. i want to change the naming in the navigator which in "Metastorm BPM Server" to something else. how do i do change that naming? pls help. its my first assignment. i have attached a pic of what im talking about. Thanx
On commit action, the Button gets disabled permanently
Hi, Context of the problem: I have a Command button with Button action set to "Commit Action". I have a server side script to be executed at action completed when committing the form. Description of the Probelm: On commit action, the Button gets disabled permanently, but i need the button to remain enabled in some…
Ensure you name BO parameters carefully
Just a quick tip from my v9 experiences so far. You should be careful when creating a name for your parameters while creating Business Objects, as this can catch you unaware when using the intellisense for BO instances later on in your code. As the parameters and the column names show up in intellisense, it can become easy…
Editable Grid design pattern
Hi, I am new to Metastorm and have been trying out version 9. My question may sound trivial as I am looking for design patterns that you experts must have been using in your various solutions: I have recently learnt that editable grids can only be attached to a single table in database. This sounds very limiting to me as i…
v9: Calling a method written in a C# server script in one library from another library
Hi, Is it possible to call a server side method written in one library server script from another library server side script? for e.g. Library1 --> Server script (Utility_Functions) --> Class (Utility_Class) --> SamplePublicStaticFunction() Library2 --> I need to call the SamplePublicStaticFunction() in a server script in…
Single Clip broken in v9 SR2
Adding a single clip to a form and assigned to a text field is broken in SR2. When you try to upload a document the upload dialog hangs and the text variable is not set. The attachment is however uploaded to the eAttachment table but you have to cancel out of the upload dialog. This works fine in v9 SR1.
Metastorm BPM 9.0 SR2 - Changing Fonts.
I would like to change the font type & size of a field object I have drawn on a form. I assumed that when I selected the object I could do so in the font section of the ribbon bar however both the font type and size drop list is blank. Any thoughts? Thank you.
Navigator naming
Inability to check ProVision back in.
I am using ProVision v6.1.4:90810. I am unable to check out a shared repository. I am performing the following steps: * Opening the shared repository and selecting the appropriate folder. I then right click on that folder and select “Check out”. * At the next pop up window, I add my User ID and Password, then select OK *…