v7.6 ECL - Caption Alignment
I'm struggling a bit trying to understand ECL. While designing a form in the Designer, many controls have a caption property and a "caption alignment" property to specify where the caption should appear relative to the control (left, right, top, bottom). In ECL, the Action and Refill Classes have field collections "Fields"…
TODO List as default in Client?
Hi everyone, Is it possible to set ToDO list as default view for all users when they login. Best regards,
To pass a value from a metastorm grid to a newly starting process on a button Click
Hi...All, Is this possible to send a value from a metastorm grid to a newly starting process on a button Click(Initiate Process)? scenario: I have a metastorm grid,Command button on my form1 which is attached to process1. I have a text field on my form2 which is attached to Process2. I should select a row from the…
How you can handle an 'IN' clause in a Business Object
Example here In Metastorm BPM 9 we have a problem that you cannot easily or safely define a query for a Business Object with an 'IN' clause. This makes some dynamic query forms, such as search forms, impossible to write if multiple options can be selected form a list. The example at the link above shows how this can be…
Where is the Metastorm BPM 9.0 SR2 Migration Assistant?
The 2 Migration Assistants (File and Repository) are independent of the SR that's installed. Whether you are using 9.0, SR1, or SR2, you should download the same Migrators – the ones posted under 9.0 SR1 on the New Version Downloads page in the Customer and Partner Zones. The File Migration Assistant was updated since it…
Modeling Standards
ProVision includes several industry standard modeling languages that users can activate and organize their models according to a certain framework along with assuming the naming conventions that accompany the methodology. Some of the most frequently used frameworks for BPA are Six Sigma, and BPA (derived from the Object…
V9 and Silverlight forms
Anyone attempting to use Silverlight forms with V9? Is this possible? If so what are the pitfalls?
How to Configure the Start Page in v9 Designer?
How do I configure the start page which comes up when I run the v9 designer? I don't want to have a browser window/pain and MetaStorm News inside of my designer when I start it. I looked thru all of the options (deployment, forms, etc.) a few times and I can't find the way to customize the start page! Thanx!