Link labels and client scripts
I'm porting a large v7 map into a v9 solution. We have several "help" links built using references which basically build the URL and options to do a ShowModalDialog or window.open. However, it doesn't seem V9.2.1 supports calling client side scripts from . I have been able to get direct showmodaldialog/etc. to work…
Hovering over action displays folder url
Whenever I hover over any action (or tab for that matter), I'm seeing the url of the folder show up like a popup hint, but I don't have anything specified in the "Description" property for any of the actions. Has anyone witnessed this? Does anyone know how to prevent that popup url from displaying? (It's partially covering…
No of search results
Hi , I want to change the number of search results , For which i have already changed the dfcfull.properties in WEB-INF/classes folder current chantes look like below: # Maximum number of results to retrieve by a query search. # min value: 1, max value: 10000000 # dfc.search.max_results = 30000 # Maximum number of results…
Debug and log Blank forms errors
Hi, There is an administration tool that could help us to identify the script errors that are coming from the evaluation of start action roles? We have many active processes (developed by different users) in our environment; these processes use different roles (defined in the projects), some of which are used to manage the…
Metastorm Community Central - Flashing Banner
Although it can be useful to have the MCC web page displayed each time you open the MBPM designer, the flashing banner (telling me something "will be" happening on a date over four months ago!) is irritating beyond belief! Please can we have something more relevent, up-to-date and above all non-flashing on this page!