Metastorm DMS Connection with content server require SSO
Hi, I am trying to connect the MBPM to the opentext content server (DMS) using "connection". I have setup the "non-synchronised" user partition "otds.admin" in the Administration Client of the OTDS. However, while test connection, I am getting OTDS error. My question is, is it manditory to have "synchronised" user…
Within a custom class which implements IDocbaseAttributeValueFormatter, how can I get the updated values for an attribute which is in cache because they have not been saved to the docbase at this time? My code uses the DocbaseObject to retrieve the values from the docbase and formats them correctly, but when repeating…
Note Associations in Requirement Object
Hi I'm trying to import requirement objects with note associations into ProVision using the translator import tool. I have a column called Note which is seen as valid in the import file, however, the text is not being updated in the Note Associations tab with the requirement object. Any ideas on how I can get this…
Dependent and Editable Table Business Object
Seems that when you use a Grid, bind / associate it to a Table BO, then mark it as 'Optional', you lose the "field is dependent" option. This sucks because I want to populate the Table BO based on it's defined parameter. I want to pass the parameter based on another form field. So this is impossible without initiallizing…
Manage library versions between different environments
Hi all, how you manage the differents library version numbers in different environment (development, test, production)? Now we mantain a wiki page on which we manually log, for every library, the differents versions on all environments. For Example: Library1 Dev version: 54 correspond to Test version: 12 correspond to…
Word Wrap Grid Headers
Is there a supported way to get grid headers to word wrap when the titles are smaller than the fields instead of getting ".." while in edit mode? (I'm not sure if this would wrap in read mode like it does on V7.) Expanding such small columns when word wrapping looks better would be much preferred.