Where dO we find Label alignments in Info Tab of Properties Component
Hi I have a custom jsp where i need to have attributes/labels aligned just like the Info tab in properties component . When i look in dm_document_attributes.jsp i dint not find any table/td/tr alignments for each label in infor tab . Which is the jsp i need to refer for table alignements in Info tab page. Any pointers pls…
7.6 to 9.2 data migration
Hi all, Is it possible to migrate directly from 7.6 to 9.2 environment with 9.1 Migration Kit (I didn't found a 9.2 Migration Kit)? And Another question Is there a way to migrate data from a live 9.2 environment to another 9.2 live environment, exepted for the obvious way to "manually" select and append of all the BPM…
Product end of life
Hi Is there any idea when support for Provision and KE ends, if at all? Riyaad
update query in setvalue adaptor
Hi All, I have a custom adaptor in which i am reading value of an object and then incrementing it by 1. I have to do this inorder to ensure that this number stays unique for each request from user. The adaptor is able to read value and i do not see any errors in the log but the update is not working. I checked the query in…
eCategory on eAlert Table v.92
We've built a custom dashboard for our tasks which basically just requests the collection that would be used for the Metastorm client lists. We were hoping to use the ProcessContext.FolderCategory variable to assign a value that we can act upon when generating the rows. Is this not possible? Does the Category property in…
Wrap and Spacing on To Do / Watch Lists
* Is there a supported way to eliminate the extra space between word wrapped lines on the To Do / Watch lists? (see "Waiting for | Review Cycle | to Complete" below (| is where the line currently wraps). There is too much space in the gap instead of being regular spacing wasting a lot of space. Granted, the wrap changes…
Windows Server 2012 support
Can we anticipate support for this Windows Server 2012 soon?