Will the upgrade of .Net Framework affect Exstream Designer and DesignManager tools?
Will the upgrade of .Net Framework affect Exstream Designer and DesignManager tools? Planning for a migration of .Net framework to 4.6.2 in a VDI where these softwares are installed. Any advise will be much appreciated.
Exstream 16.6.31 - libExEngPageRunner.sl: cannot open shared object file:
Hello guys, I have a problem generating html-email on Linux platform. I'm using a Placeholder variable that contains HTML commands. In the Designer, the html is generated without errors, but when running the engine on the Linux platform, the error message appears: EX001955S (1) Exstream needs version 1 of the Dynamic Link…
Postman collection for the Messaging Service
The requests in this Postman collection show how to: Authenticate with the OpenText Cloud platform using your developer application Post Email Send requests and check the status of the job Post SMS Send requests and check the status of the job Post Fax Send requests and check the status of the job Review the Postman…
can report file be appended to an existing report file in Exstream Opentext ?
I need to append the info in the report file into another report file due to there´s a different run for different type of products and they need to get only 1 report.
How can I install the web apps for OpenText Exstream 23?
I´m trying to install the web aplications (Communications Orchestrator, Content Author, Communications Designer) for an exstream 23.2 server-based installation. In previous versions we used the build runtime and build design tools, and all the components were included in them, for the 23 version i can't find the build…
Add IBM CMOD Page-Piece Dictionary index values to PDF output in Exstream
Has anyone had any experience in defining IBM's PDF Indexer values in PDF output from Exstream? IBM's description is that the indexing the PDF is similar to TLEs in an AFP-file, but the method to a PDF is documented with Exstream to use the Metadata-components. When inserted to the PDF it should look like this: /PieceInfo…
Suggestion to use DEVOPS tools like Jenkins (CI/CD) to promote code migration in Exstream 21.4
Hi All, Can you suggest me best practice to use CI/CD pipeline for migrating Exstream changes to higher environment. Code deployment team asking below details. Tools used for automated build-and-test to ensure that code changes being merged into the repository. Validation and compliance (Security) - Validate the build with…
Guidance on Jenkins integration to Exstream CE
Greetings, Looking for documentation on integrating Jenkins automation into Opentext Exstream CE. This is for the application layer, not at the infra, which i am used to work on so looking for advice or guidance on where to start.
Obsolete Software: Microsoft XML Parser and Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 4.0
Hi All, I'm new user of ExStream and need ask for advice, So, currently I have two software that receive notifications regarding obsolete software, there are, Microsoft XML Parser and Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 4.0. Which is I believe for the ExStream we can use XML as the input/source to generate some output. So,…
Push Notifications Postman sample
This Postman sample allows sending Push Notifications to an Android and/or iOS application. It uses OpenText messaging system and Google Firebase to send the notification. The Postman file contains placeholders that should be filled with actual values. GitHub:…