String containing hex 00
For the creation of Aztec barcodes we need to include binary data. However, Exstream does not allow hex 00 in a string. The string is then truncated. Does anyone have an idea (other than "<00>") to get hex 00 binary data into a string to feed the barcode generator with that. Using StreamServe Communication Server 16.6.2 GA…
External Id on document creation in version 16.6.3
Hi there. I realized, while retrieving tracking information on a document an "externalid" is also delivered next to the "trackerid" in the returned json structure. Request URL (GET): https://<my_extream_endpoint>/v1/trackers?where_trackerid=32056E7B-2F78-1D44-AF3F-FD6E61E89AC3&guid_format=false Response body: {…
Upgrading to Exstream CE 20x
Of those clients who have upgraded to Exstream CE 20x from 16x, can you share a bit about your experience? Things you weren't expecting? Suggestions you have for those of us not yet there?