Podcast - Amplify development via Notifications and Cloud Fax services
OpenText Developer Cast Amplify the development of custom cloud fax, sms and email notification services on your business, mobile or web applications via the integrations of powerful APIs. Click here to listen More information for developing with cloud fax and notifications Start your trial today!
Bootstrap service 16.6.3
Hi , Where can i find a link to download bootstrap service compatible for Exstream 16.6.3?
Exstream Design Manager / Designer launch error. Application crash on windows. "ntdll.dll" file
Hello, I am unable to open Design manager and Designer application. Getting below error, please advise how can I fix this. Faulting application name: DesignManager.exe, version:, Faulting module name: ntdll.dll,
What's New - Push Notifications
Push Notifications are short, timely, one-way messages that pop-up on a mobile device from an installed app. App publishers use them to alert consumers of information that they have opted in to receive. The popularity of brand-specific phone apps and the minimal cost impact of these communications to the consumer continues…
Podcast - Amplify development via Notifications and Cloud Fax services
OpenText Developer Cast Amplify development of custom cloud fax, sms and email notification services on your business, mobile or web applications via the integrations of powerful APIs. Listen
Postman collection for Cloud Fax and Notifications
OpenText CloudFax and Notifications consists of a collection of APIs used by customers to send faxes, emails, sms and check the delivery status of them. The APIs are based on REST architecture with JSON schema representation. The URIs are easily understood and resource-based. We abide by the standards of HTTP, using the…
How can i reduce fields text size in a table?
Hi, everyone! I have Block Data fields that fill the cells of a table generated in StorryTeller. I need to reduce all of the cells text if someone of the cell have a wrapped text. Cells cannot be resized. I did not found solution for OpenText Exstream. with best regards, Otto
Trial Evaluation Agreement for Cloud fax and Notifications Developer Plans
Trial Evaluation Agreement The terms and conditions governing this Agreement are as follows: 1. Cloud fax and/or Notifications Services. Open Text will provide Fax2Mail and/or Notifications services (the “Services”) to Developer, as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, during the trial evaluation period set forth in…
Quick start guide for cloud fax and notifications trial subscribers
Get a test account by signing up for a free trial for "cloud fax and notifications developer plans" at Plans | Developer | OpenText How to submit a request to send a fax? Here is the curl sample to submit a request to send a fax with a text file with basic authentication (user name and password). curl -H "Content-Type:…
How to send SMS request using SMS REST API
How to submit a request to send SMS notification using SMS REST API? Here is an example of curl command to submit a request to send SMS Notification. curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -u <userid:password> \ --data-binary "{ \"destinations\": [ { \"sms\": \"recipient sms address\" } ], \"sms_text\": \"Hi There,…