Web Experience Management
Questions/discussions around all the parts of the VCM Content Suite.
Can I integrate OpenText Web Experience Management (WEM) with my shopify based ecom store?
Hey, I am running an e-commerce-based Shopify store focusing on jewelry distribution throughout the USA. I have to respond to the number of customers manually, which is causing an immense headache for my team. I am looking to integrate OpenText Web Experience Management (WEM) with my Shopify store(Suggested by one of my…
Can not retrieve Relations using API
Hello, I have a relation in my Content Type Definition. And I am trying to retrieve that relation using the following code AttributedObject[] relatedProducts = ci.getRelations( "RELATION-ID" ); But I am getting the null value. I also checked whether there are any relations available with…
Need DPM page to respond with RSS+XML MIME type
HI, I am using a DPM build (VCM 8.0 / VAP 8.1) on Tomcat. I've created an RSS feed with a grid and content-publisher portlet. But the portal always responds with "text/html" instead of "application/rss+xml" in the HTTP header. Below is part of an example response header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1…
WEM 16.7.1 | Management Stage DA, File Deployment Events not firing
We have added custom listener class to Deployment.FileCreate and Deployment.FileUpdate events in Mgmt Stage. The Listener class are not invoked. Same listener configured in Delivery Stage for Deployment.FileCreate and Deployment.FileUpdate work just fine. Any idea what could be going on here?
Sitemap XML generation
What is the best way to create a sitemap.xml with robots.txt for SEO, and place it at the root directory of a large V8 site? I read the SEO-Best-Practices.pdf from the Vignette KC. It recommended creating a presentation template but did not go into details. Anyone created a sitemap already and found this method efficient?…
Content extraction from WEM10.5
Hi Everyone We have a requirement to extract the content from WEM 10.5 instance - preferably in a XML format. If anyone has executed a similar requirement in the past, kindly advice on the 1) Best approaches (Eg. direct extraction from DB, using APIs to extract the data etc..) 2) Any out of the box tools that be used in…
Connecting Brava with FileNet
we need to use Brava Standalone installation... and need to connect to FileNet Repository.... We need to use Brava HTML client.... We will not be using ICN.... Do we have any connectivity to FileNet from Brava? Alternatively we have the code to get document from FileNet... How do we pass it on to Brava such that users can…
opentext WEM version 7.6
we are using old version of Open text called "Vignette 7.6" i noticed at specific time on the day , Tomcat Application server hanging and not respond when i made a thread dump com.vignette.dbms.VgnConnectionPool.getConnection(VgnConnectionPool.java:654) while in the database i have a lot of free session i tried to get…
WEM 16 - integrate blog functionality?
Hi, is there any tool, package or product that can be used and seamlessly integrated with WEM 16: * that works like a blog (can deliver news) * where you can comment and like any news and comments * that has user management and administration and maybe workflows * where user accounts can be connected to an active directory…
Unable to establish a connection with WEM 10.5 through APIs
Hello Everyone We are getting below error while trying to establish a connection with WEM10.5 instance. Please advice on the resolution if anyone has faced similar issue. Error ------------------------------------------ com.vignette.authn.AuthnException: 01/21/2021 20:40:05:278, Error 11 (IOError), Message 003-003-0014:…
Is it possible to Export/Import content from WEM (v 16.7) Cloud using REST APIs?
Hello, We were looing into building a REST API integration to Export/Import content from a cloud hosted WEM instance. Does the API provide this option? Thanks!
Unable to link SPI (a content) in Vignette's Ephox editor
Unable to link SPI (a content) in Vignette's Ephox editor. When trying to do so, it's unable to pull the SPIs sitting in the system. We have performed re-indexing multiple time already to be sure. We're on Vignette 8.1 version
error for the Message 026-138-0021
Could not add items to workflow payload
Custum Listener
Hello, I have a static file named “SiteMap.xml”. When I publish this file, I want to create a Listener that intercept the publish job, change the content of the file (with a function that I created) and then publish it. So I have some questions: • How can I intercept the publish job of this file? • Which function allow me…
Inline-Edit of a Component in a Display View JS - WEM 16.2
Hello, I’m using a DisplayView JS in the WEM 16.2, but I have a problem to use the Inline-Edit in a Component (SmartList). When I click in edit in the preview, I can edit and change the text, but when I click in Save, and try to see the result, the text continues with the original value Javascript Code: var component =…
WEM 8.5 - How to send an error while executing a content component's display view jsp
Hi Experts, I'm just curious about the error handling in a JSP (display view): Usually, you can force an error page by invoking something like: ${pageContext.response.sendError(404)} In WEM it does not work (or at least it does not work for me). Do you know how to handle this correctly? At a certain condition in a display…
How to fetch the content ids (VCMIDs) which are present in a publishing job
Through a sql query, I am able to fetch the number of jobs which are getting process in a publishing job and are in DA queues. If I need to find VCMIDs which are present in that job, what I need to do ? I have the jobid, which table should I use to fetch the details? I am using WEM 10.5
WEM 16.2.2 Standalone Connection
Hi, Looking for WEM 16.2.2 TomEE standalone connection code logic. The traditional loginMgr.login(bundle); logic for weblogic doesn't work anymore. Thanks, Vinay
Moved: Open Deploy fails to deploy .xsl file
This discussion has been moved.
Collab 8.2 - Delete a user account using a jython script
Hi, We need to delete a number of user accounts in Vignette Collab 8.2 (I know, old version... but i hope there is someone out there that can help...) As this concerns a lot of user accounts, we'd like to do this by means of a Jython script. In the KMAPI documentation i do not find the delete() method for a KMuser object.…