The Documentum Developer Community is the learning and networking resource for application developers building content management, case management, and business process management applications on Documentum platforms. This include developer topics for: D2, Webtop and xCP (Documentum xCelerated Composition Platform)
When to use this forum and when to use suppport forum...
Just an FYI… It might not be obvious, but this developer forum is more geared towards "developer" level of questions. If your question is around development, this is the place! If your question is more around usage, install, administration, etc. This is your place:…
Documentum Smartview SDK
Documentation for the Smartview SDK provides information to set up the SDK locally and develop custom implementations. The Documentum Smartview SDK consists of sources, binaries, documentation, and samples for: Documentum Smartview UI extension environment. D2-REST services extension environment. D2 plugin development…
Learning to deploy Documentum on Kubernetes- UNSUPPORTED
A tutorial using Docker Desktop Kubernetes 😉Special thanks to Jose for contributing this tutorial. It is unofficial and unsupported. But very good info to consider. Both files are needed, together, the PDF and the 7z. Slide 38 is WIP that might come in future versions. (Kubernetes Dashboard, metrics server, Kafka,…
Help please. How to manipulate the screen in a multiselect selection in Documentum WDK 16.7.9
I need to call the screen N number of times according to the selection that the user makes, I need to know how to manipulate this multiselection Documentum WDK 16.7.9. I really appreciate your help in advance
Build Failed error in Composer
Hi, We are getting build failed error in Composer. Kindly help to resolve the issue. Buildfile: C:\DFS_Workspace\DocumentumCoreProject\dfs7.1\dfs-build.xml [echo] defaultclasspath is C:\DFS_Workspace\DocumentumCoreProject\dfs7.1\emc-dfs-sdk-7.1\lib\java\jaxws\FastInfoset.jar [echo] projectclasspath is…
DFC and Java 17
Hi, We have a Java application running on Tomcat which uses DFC to connect to a docbase. It's a very old application and it needs to be upgraded. We want to upgrade to Java version 17 (LTS) but DFC only support Java 11. Is it un/known whether DFC is working with Java 17? Anybody tried Java 17? Any problems or configuration…
How to run the D2 Rest plugin project locally using Spring
Hi All, We have created a new plugin project using d2rest smartview sdk [23.4] and on top of it we have created a D2-Rest plugin as well. If we build the project and deploy it to the ls-rest server, the endpoint works and we dont have any issues. however , we want to develop our custom D2 Rest plugin and want to test the…
Documentum Webtop 6.5 wdk customization - Bulk Import and replace content for selected files
Hi, My requirement is to select multiple files and use a custom menu to bulk import same set of files with new content and update some attributes. I m trying to do the same by doing a checkout and checkin inside a submit button and then calling ActionService. It works fine for 1 file but when multiple it fails. Also any…
Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 in dfc code
Hi, We are getting below error message while uploading documents in repo using the dfc 7.2 code. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/documentum/mailapp/operations/inbound/DfSeparateAttachments : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at…
I need documentum server 21.2 and 23.2 version release notes.
I don't have direct access to it but i need to assess the platform compatibility. Release Notes - 21.2 Release Notes -23.2
Need dctm-rest war file
Hi, Can someone provide a download link for the dctm-rest war file that is compatible with JDK 1.8 and Tomcat 8 or 9?
Renaming an existing retention policy
Hi, Is it possible to rename an existing retention policy? I tried renaming it using a dql statement(in the dmc_rps_retentionpolicy object type) and the name got changed. Is there any other object types (like dmc_rps_retainer) that needs to be updated for renaming the retention policy? Is this the right approach to change…
Simple Rest D2 Rest Services Search Example
I wrote this is educate myself about simple REST Services for DCTM. Hope it's useful.
Documentum RPS conditional aging, event date is not populated
I am working on Documentum RPS and I am very new to the concept, My doubt is on the conditional aging. So we create the conditions and apply them to the retention policy in phase tab, but there is no place to determine or configure what the condition needs to look for like a change in date or something, Let say we have 100…
Executing custom code after checkin process
Hi! I am new to java and DFC development. We have developed a custom code that is ideally executed after the checkin process is completed. We use the below if statement to trigger the custom code: if (strAction.equalsIgnoreCase("checkin")) { //custom code here } unfortunately, the code is executed when the checkin process…
DFS 23.4 Services fail to build
Hello, I am trying to build DFS Services to version 23.4 and it fails. We had DFS Services on version 7.3 and we are upgrading them. We updated the java version to 17 and resolved some issues that we had. The code builds and our tests run fine. The issue is that when I run the build.xml, it fails with the error:…
Documentum Docbase Service failed to start
Hello Everyone. After an upgrade of the Capital Project Content Server, the Documentum Docbase Service fails to start and displays the following error message. Message ( Tue Sep 03 15:51:35 2024[DM_STARTUP_I_DOCBASE_OWNER_NOT_FOUND]: The database user (USR) is not a valid NT User. This is the user specified in your…
"value is too big for attribute", but it's not
Hi. I'm investigating the failure to assign a UTF-8 value. My checks show that it should fit. Notice that the two numbers are the same in the error message. Is this a known issue with Documentum? IDQL> 1> select r_server_version from dm_server_config; 2> go r_server_version -------------------------------- 7.3.0000.0214…
How to create custom workflow method in DCTM 23.4
How to create custom workflow method in DCTM 23.4? Can it be implemented and utilize in D2 environment?
Custom DfMethods' logs don't show up in Content Server when running in Documentum
Hello, We have a Java application with bunch of custom methods which also have logging. When I execute the methods within IDE or the JAR file in a CLI, the logs work perfectly fine both in console and in filesystem (log files are being created). When I deploy my JAR to Documentum and run a method in Documentum, weather by…
Has anyone worked in Documentum 6.5 with FAST Fulltext Indexing?
We are seeing the "onReturnFromProgress" error when trying to access (view/import/export) documents. We're aware of the UCF articles here that suggest deleting & reloading, but just curious if the FTI plays into the launch of documents that might be interfering with the UCF launch. Thanks.
How to upgrade documentum d2 from 16.4 to 22.3 using upgrade toolkit provided in 22.3 package?
How to upgrade documentum d2 from 16.4 to 22.3 using upgrade toolkit for config provided in 22.3 package? I followed the documentation provided in guide but its not working properly, config is not merging properly. Is direct upgrade from 16,4 to 22.3 is possible?
xCP2.3 Error while calling state-full process from state-less process
i am getting an error message like "could not create workflow for process <process urn>" while calling a stateless process, and that statelss process contains call process activity which calls a state-full process, but it worked in xCP2.2... How to solve this issue?